*** Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Taiwan Society of Perinatal Medicine (hereinafter referred to as "the Society") said that the Society initially consisted of Obstetricians, Gynecologists and Pediatricians*** who mainly focused on prenatal diagnosis, high-risk pregnancy and maternal-fetal medicine, until the establishment of the Society of Neonatal Medicine. It was not until the establishment of the Society of Neonatal Medicine that pediatrics were gradually separated. However, the Society continues to focus on pre- and post-natal care, so pediatricians and related caregivers continue to be part of the membership.
Systematizing antenatal check-upsWith the advancement of medical technology, antenatal check-ups are becoming more and more diversified, leaving many pregnant women in a state of uncertainty, and many of these check-ups are not affordable. In addition, it is also important to note that the use of the Internet is not limited to the use of the Internet, but rather to the use of the Internet as a means of communicating with the public.
Enhancing the friendly birth processThe birth process is something that most pregnant women are afraid of. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of *** Guangming said that the Medical Association has been promoting the friendly birth process, so that pregnant women can fully understand the birth process, including from the beginning of the waiting time for the labor, to provide *** women with assistance (e.g., ***, use of the labor ball, etc.) in order to reduce the discomfort and to encourage the father-to-be to accompany the labor. The company also encourages expectant fathers to stay with the company, teaching them that they can give *** or other assistance to the mother when she is waiting for the birth of her baby, so that they can participate in the important moments of the birth of the baby together.
Promoting medical care for the six weeks after birthIn the general public's mind, menstruation is a way for women to eat, rest, and replenish their physical strength after giving birth. The newest addition to the list is the newest addition to the list, which is the newest addition to the list, which is the newest addition to the list, which is the newest addition to the list, which is the newest addition to the list.
How to choose between the hundreds of different types of tests?
Prenatal checkups can provide an early indication of the health of the mother and fetus, and an understanding of whether the pregnancy will be at high risk, as well as early medical preparation. However, in addition to the schedule and services covered by health insurance in the Maternal Health Handbook (such as routine checkups for blood, urine, blood pressure, weight, and fetal heart rate), other services such as high-level ultrasound, screening for Down's syndrome in the mother's blood, amniocentesis, and other out-of-pocket expenses are also covered by health insurance, and the question of whether they should be covered has been a major issue for many pregnant women.
The medical association has also observed that there is a trend of more and more maternity tests in the past few years, which has left many expectant mothers confused as to whether or not they should take them all. *** Mr. Kwong said that the non-routine tests listed in the Maternal Health Handbook are recommended to be considered for inclusion in the selection of tests, such as screening for gestational diabetes mellitus, screening for Down's syndrome in the mother's blood, and high-level ultrasound, etc. Why is it important to pay for these self-paying tests? In the following, Mr. Kwong will explain to the readers. In addition, if pregnant women have a basic understanding and knowledge of the maternity checkups, they can ensure that there will be no unnecessary disputes during the checkups.
How to choose between the hundreds and hundreds of maternity tests? Maternal blood screening for Down's syndrome First trimester screening for Down's syndromeDown's syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal anomalies that is born, it is the 21st pair of somatic chromosomes in the human body with an extra one, and it is also the main cause of mental retardation, which is found in one case in every eight hundred births on average. *** The Sparkling Councilor said that regardless of the age of the pregnant woman, everyone can give birth to a Down's syndrome baby, and the incidence is higher if the age of the pregnant woman is higher, so it is recommended that expectant mothers arrange for a maternal blood screening test for Down's syndrome.
Down's syndrome screening has been promoted by the Taiwan Society of Perinatal Medicine since 1994, and has significantly reduced the birth rate of Down's syndrome babies for more than 20 years now. There are two common types of screening tests, namely, "first trimester Down's syndrome screening (10-13 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy)" and "second trimester four-indicator maternal blood screening for Down's syndrome (15-20 weeks of pregnancy)". *** The Chairperson of the Committee pointed out that "maternal blood screening for Down's syndrome is recommended if amniocentesis is not planned in advance, but as long as one of the tests (1st or 2nd trimester) is done, and if it is done in time at 10 weeks to 13 weeks and 6 days of gestation, the detection rate of Down's syndrome is about 80% to 85%".
The results of the risk value after screening for Down's syndrome, if less than 1/270, is a low risk group; however, considering the identification degree of the screening test, between 1/270 to 1/1000 risk rate, it is recommended to undergo the second trimester four indicators of maternal blood screening for Down's syndrome; greater than 1/270, is a high-risk group, it is recommended to do amniocentesis for diagnosis; however, if the pregnant woman is a senior * * * * aged 38 years old or above, it is recommended to go directly to the amniocentesis test. ** However, if the pregnant woman is over 38 years of age, it is recommended that amniocentesis is the safest way to diagnose the disease.
*** The Chairman of the Board reminded that the first trimester Down's syndrome screening is not only done by blood sampling of the mother's blood to check for free beta human placental chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), but also ultrasound measurement of the thickness of the nuchal translucency band (NT) and the bridge of the nose, which is performed by accredited medical institutions and doctors. The first is that it is not possible to get a full picture of a woman's body, but it is possible to get a full picture of a woman's body.
Second-trimester screening for Down's syndrome in maternal bloodIf it is too late to schedule a first-trimester screening for Down's syndrome at 10-13 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy, or if the first-trimester screening for Down's syndrome has a risk value of 1/270-1/1000, it is recommended that the second-trimester screening for Down's syndrome in maternal blood be added to the four-trimester screening for Down's syndrome in maternal blood. However, you may also see the "Second Trimester 2 Maternal Blood Test for Down's Syndrome", what is the difference between these two tests? *** Mr. Kwong pointed out that the "Second Trimester 2 Indicator Maternal Blood Test for Down's Syndrome" used in the past was not satisfactory because the detection rate was not as high as 60%, so it is recommended to do the "Second Trimester 4 Indicator Maternal Blood Test for Down's Syndrome", which contains maternal serum measurements of AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein), β-hCG (beta-hCG), and also increases the detection rate of free oestradiol (uE3), inhibin A, and so on. inhibin A), with a detection rate of 83%. If the risk value of the screening test is greater than 1/270, amniocentesis is recommended. This year, the National Health Service has also greatly increased the subsidy for amniocentesis to $5,000 per pregnancy to allow pregnant women to consider undergoing diagnostic testing for amniocentesis.
Oceanic anemiaOceanic anemia is a severe form of anemia, with Type A patients often failing to survive, and Type B patients needing lifelong blood transfusions and iron supplements to survive. In the early stages of pregnancy, medical institutions will arrange for pregnant women to undergo routine blood tests, and if the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is found to be ≦80, then it is suspected that they are carriers of thalassaemia, and they will need to undergo a follow up carriers' diagnosis. *** Councilor Guang pointed out that if both husband and wife are type A or type B carriers, there is about a 1 in 4 chance of having a baby with severe thalassemia, which is not a bad percentage to pay special attention to.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)*** Chairman Guang pointed out that there are many kinds of muscular dystrophies, among which SMA is a kind of spinal muscular atrophy, which is the second most common recessive hereditary disease after marine anemia in Taiwan, and the anterior horn of motor neurons in the patient's spinal cord degenerates progressively, resulting in the gradual weakness and atrophy of muscles, There is currently no effective treatment for this disease. This is a self-funded test and costs about NT$2,000 to NT$3,000.
New Generation Non-Invasive Chromosome Screening Test (NIPS or NIPT)*** The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Guang Guang pointed out that the Non-Invasive Prognostic Test for Down's Syndrome (NIPT) is a non-invasive screening test whereby the plasma of the fetus is analyzed to determine the presence of Down's syndrome and to determine whether the test has been performed. NIPS/NIPT can increase the screening rate of Down's syndrome by taking the mother's blood and obtaining the free fetal DNA from the plasma for analysis. The advantage is that it is a non-invasive screening test, but the disadvantage is that it cannot replace amniocentesis as a diagnostic tool. Currently, it is possible to analyze the correct number of sets of chromosomes 13, 18, and 21 (two sets).
Chairman Hsu reminded that because the test can cost $20,000 to $30,000, it's important for expectant mothers to know how accurate the test is, and to know what percentage of free DNA is in the mother's blood. Generally speaking, after 10 weeks of pregnancy, the proportion of fetal free DNA in the mother's blood is about 10%, and as the number of weeks of pregnancy increases, the proportion of fetal free DNA in the mother's blood will also increase. The higher the percentage of fetal free DNA sampled in the test, the more accurate the test will be. If only 4% of fetal DNA is detected, the accuracy of the test is low; if 8% or more of the DNA is detected, the accuracy is high; and it is best to consult a physician for further evaluation of the 4-8% range. Currently, there are mathematical formulas to calculate the final fetal chromosomal Down's syndrome rate, but there are also SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) as the basis for calculating the results, the latter is currently the best accuracy, which can reach more than 99%.
Do I need to have an early risk assessment for progeny?As pre-eclampsia is one of the most unwanted obstetric problems that all physicians would like to encounter, there is also a so-called "Early Pre-eclampsia Risk Assessment" screening technique available at this stage, whereby the risk value of early pre-eclampsia is calculated by uterine arterial blood flow examination, blood sampling for placenta growth factor, and pregnancy-related plasma protein A, all before the 14th week of pregnancy. However, according to the Chairman of *** Sparkling, there are not enough studies to show that this test is a good reference and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) does not believe that this test is necessary. On the contrary, pregnant women whose previous pregnancy was diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia and who had a premature birth due to early-onset pre-eclampsia before 34 weeks are advised to start taking low-dose aspirin after 14 weeks of pregnancy, which has been clinically recognized to reduce the incidence of pre-eclampsia in this pregnancy.
How do you choose between the hundreds and hundreds of tests? High-level ultrasound
*** Chairman of the Board of Sparkling, high-level ultrasound is recommended to be performed at 22 to 24 weeks, the doctor will systematically check and evaluate the fetal body structure, organs, etc. However, the doctor will also check and evaluate the fetal body structure, organs, and so on. However, the purpose of high-level ultrasound is not to find out the abnormalities of the fetus can choose to terminate the pregnancy, in fact, nowadays, medical technology is very advanced, many of the fetal diseases after the birth of the baby can get good medical care, and the purpose of prenatal checkups is to enable the obstetrics and gynaecology department and pediatrics department to do a seamless medical disposal.
Diagnosis by amniocentesisAlthough the technology of antenatal screening is changing rapidly, there is no substitute for amniocentesis as a diagnostic procedure at this stage. *** The Chairman of the Board, Mr. Guang, said that both the maternal blood screening for Down's syndrome and the new non-invasive chromosome screening are only "screening" tests and for further "diagnosis", genetic diagnosis has to be done by amniocentesis. Amniocentesis is performed after the 16th week of pregnancy, and although there is no mandatory requirement that all women of advanced maternal age must undergo amniocentesis, because the chance of chromosomal abnormalities increases with age, the National Health Service also subsidizes the cost of this test for advanced maternal age, so it is recommended that advanced maternal age women may wish to include this option. However, for women with frequent miscarriages, bleeding conditions, or poor uterine conditions such as fibroids, amniocentesis is not recommended by the physician's evaluation, and other tests may be needed instead.
Congenital intrauterine infections*** Chairman Guang reminded that some counties and cities subsidize screening for congenital intrauterine infections such as cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis. Although cytomegalovirus is very common and most people have already been infected and have antibodies. However, for pregnant women who have never been infected before and are infected during their current pregnancy, the infection may be transmitted directly to the fetus through the placenta, and once infected, the fetus may suffer from congenital intrauterine infections such as growth retardation and mental retardation. The first step in the process is to make sure that you have the right tools for the right job, and that you have the right tools for the right job.
Choosing the right prenatal screening testThere are many prenatal screening tests and diagnostic tools available, and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of *** advised that in addition to the prenatal screening tests that are listed in the Maternal Health Handbook, there are other self-funded programs that you may want to consider, such as gestational diabetes screening, and the above mentioned screening tests for Down's Syndrome in the mother's blood, and ultrasound, and so on. The first time I saw this, I was able to get a good look at a few of the things I had to do, and I was able to get a good look at a few of the things I had to do, and I was able to get a good look at a few of the things I had to do, and I was able to get a good look at a few of the things I had to do, and I was able to get a good look at a few of the things that I had to do. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new computer and get it to work.