What is b2b B2B, B2C, C2C market means ah?
1. B2B is a business model that refers to the exchange and transmission of data and information and trading activities between businesses and enterprises through a dedicated network or Inter.
It combines the intranet and the products and services of the enterprise with the customers through the B2B website or mobile client. 2, B2C is the abbreviation of Business-to-Consumer, and its Chinese abbreviation is "Business-to-Customer".
"Business-to-Consumer" is a mode of e-commerce, which is often referred to as the direct-to-consumer sales of products and services business retail model. 3, C2C is an individual to individual e-commerce.
Where C refers to the consumer, for example, a consumer has a computer, through the network transactions, it is sold to another consumer, this type of transaction is called C2C e-commerce.
Extended information:
The difference between B2B and B2C: 1, the concept of difference B2B is the exchange of products, services and information between enterprises and enterprises through the Internet.And B2C is one kind of e-commerce categorized by the object of transaction, that is to say, it indicates the e-commerce of business organizations to consumers. This form of e-commerce is generally dominated by e-tailing, which carries out online sales activities mainly with the help of Inter.
2, the transaction mode difference B2B, so that transactions between enterprises to reduce many transactional workflow and management costs, reducing the cost of business operations. The convenience of the network and the extensibility of the enterprise to expand the scope of activities, enterprise development across regions and across borders more convenient and cheaper.
B2C, business-to-customer, refers to the use of the Internet to carry out all the trade activities, that is, on the Internet will be the flow of information, capital flow, commercial flow and part of the logistics of the complete realization of the connection. Baidu Encyclopedia - B2B Baidu Encyclopedia - B2C Baidu Encyclopedia - C2C.
What is the meaning of B2B ah
We often hear about B2B, B2C, C2C and so on, so in the end, what is the meaning of B2B, B2C, C2C market is ah? May be many friends are not very understanding, here we are respectively introduced.
1, B2B (also written as BTB, is the abbreviation of Business-to-Business) refers to the business model of business-to-business through a dedicated network or Inter, the exchange of data and information, delivery, trading activities. It combines the intranet and the products and services of the enterprise, through the B2B website or mobile client and the customer closely, through the rapid response of the network, to provide better service for the customer, so as to promote the development of the enterprise's business.
2, B2C is the abbreviation of Business-to-Customer, and its Chinese abbreviation is "business to customer". "Business-to-Customer is a mode of e-commerce, which is often referred to as the direct-to-consumer sales of products and services business retail model.
3, C2C is actually a specialized term for e-commerce, which is the e-commerce between individuals. C refers to the consumer, because the English word for consumer is Customer (Consumer), so abbreviated as c, and because the pronunciation of the English 2 with to, so C to C abbreviated as C2C. C2C is Customer (Consume) to Customer (Consumer). C2C means consumer-to-consumer e-commerce behavior. For example, if a consumer has a computer and sells it to another consumer through an online transaction, this type of transaction is called C2C e-commerce.
B2B has three treasures: business, intermediary, communication
B2C has three treasures: brand, channel, sales
C2C has three treasures: you open, I buy, Paypal
The above is about B2B, B2C, C2C market is what it means ah ah ah a simple introduction, through the introduction of this article, you should be on the several modes have some Understanding, I hope to be able to help you.
What is B2B?
What is B2B?
In the article about e-commerce, often encountered some abbreviated vocabulary, the first contact with these terms readers often do not know what is the meaning of the term, so there are many readers with the help of a search engine to query the "what is B2B", or "what is B2B"? or "what is B-to-B", "what is BtoB", "what does B2B mean", "the meaning of B2B", "B2B" and so on. ", etc. B2B is a mode of e-commerce, which is the abbreviation of English Business-to-Business, i.e., business-to-business, or business-to-business e-commerce, i.e., the exchange of products, services, and information between businesses and enterprises through the Internet.
?B2B in the two B are on behalf of Business, "2" is the English "two" resonance, on behalf of "to". Therefore, generally speaking, we still put B2B in accordance with the English pronunciation "B-to-B" to read, rather than the "2" as the Chinese pronunciation. However, many people are now used to pronouncing "B2B" according to the Chinese pronunciation, and it does not cause misunderstanding when talking about e-commerce, so no matter how it is pronounced, it is usually understandable.
?The B2B e-commerce model includes two basic modes: one is direct e-commerce between companies (e.g., online purchasing and online supply for manufacturers, etc.); and the other is through a third-party e-commerce website platform for business activities. For example, the famous domestic e-commerce website Alibaba (china.alibaba) is a B2B e-commerce platform, and all kinds of enterprises can carry out business-to-business e-commerce (B2B) through Alibaba, such as releasing and inquiring about supply and demand information, and carrying out on-line exchanges and business negotiations with potential customers/suppliers.
E-commerce-related acronyms are also B2C (Business-to-Consumer), C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer, Consumer-to-Consumer), G2B (*** to Business), etc.
What is a B2B platform
Best Answer B2B Transaction Processes Font Size Display: Big Middle Small 2008-08-14 13:52:00 Source: a big put E-commerce B2B rough transaction process
Business customers: B2B of a B, that is, for the purchase of electronic transactions merchant.
Seller: the other B of B2B, that is, the selling merchant of the electronic transaction.
Transporter: The merchant who delivers the goods, i.e., the essential part of logistics and distribution.
Supplier: the company that produces the product.
Payment Gateway: a group of servers that connects the banking network to the Inter. The main role is to complete the communication between the two, protocol conversion and data encryption, decryption, in order to protect the internal security of the bank.
Bank: that is, online banking.
B2B transaction process, the following eight steps:
The first step, the commercial customer to the seller to order, first of all, to issue a "user order", the order should include the name of the product, the number of products, and so on a series of issues related to the product.
The second step, the seller received a "user order", according to the "user order" requirements to the supplier to inquire about the product, issued "order inquiries".
The third step, the supplier received and reviewed the "order inquiries", to the seller to return to the "order inquiries" answer. Basically, the availability of goods and so on.
The fourth step, the seller to confirm that the supplier can meet the requirements of commercial customers "user orders" in the case of the transport provider to send the "transport query" about the shipment of goods.
The fifth step, the transporter in receipt of the "transport query", to the seller to return to the transport query answer. Such as: the ability to complete the transportation, and the date of transportation, line, mode and other requirements.
Sixth step, after confirming that there is no problem with the transportation, the seller immediately to the commercial customer's "user orders" a satisfactory answer, at the same time to the supplier to issue a "shipping notice", and notify the transporter transport.
In the seventh step, the transporter receives the "shipping notification" and starts shipping. The commercial customer then sends a "Payment Notice" to the payment gateway. The payment gateway and the bank clearing note etc.
In step 8, the payment gateway sends a "transfer notification" to the seller that the transaction was successful.
What is B2B
A business-to-business marketing model B2B (Business To Business, pronounced 2(two) as in to in English).
That is, business to business e-commerce, in addition to online transactions and product display, B2B business is more important in the sense that the intranet, through the B2B website and customers are closely integrated, through the network of rapid response to provide customers with better service, so as to promote the development of business. The current Internet-based B2B development speed is very rapid, according to the latest statistics, at the beginning of this year on the Internet B2B transactions have far exceeded the B2C turnover.
In 2006, the global B2B e-commerce market reached $5.8 trillion, and it is expected that the annual growth rate of global B2B in the next few years will remain around 45%, and that the global B2B e-commerce market will reach $26 trillion in 2010. Traditional business-to-business transactions tend to consume a lot of resources and time of the enterprise, whether it is sales and distribution or procurement to take up the cost of products.
Through B2B transactions buyers and sellers are able to complete the entire business process online, from the establishment of the initial impression, to the comparison of goods, to bargaining, signing and delivery, and finally to the customer service. B2B makes the transaction between the enterprise to reduce many transactional workflow and management costs, reducing the cost of business operations.
The convenience of the network and the extension of the nature of the enterprise to expand the scope of activities, enterprise development across the border across the region is more convenient, cheaper. B2B is not just about creating an online community of buyers and sellers, it also provides the basis for strategic cooperation between companies.
Any enterprise, no matter how strong it has the technical strength or how good the business strategy, to realize B2B alone is completely impossible. The era of fighting alone has passed, and the establishment of cooperative alliances between enterprises has gradually become the development trend.
The network makes the information pass unimpeded, between enterprises can be established through the network in the market, the product or operation of complementary and mutually beneficial cooperation, the formation of horizontal or vertical forms of business integration, to a larger scale, stronger strength, more economical operation to truly achieve the global mode of operations management. Currently, the B2B used by enterprises can be divided into the following two modes: 1. Manufacturing-oriented or business-oriented vertical B2B (also known as industry B2B).
Vertical B2B can be divided into two directions, namely upstream and downstream. Manufacturers or commercial retailers can form supply relationships with upstream suppliers, for example, Dell Computer Corporation and upstream chip and motherboard manufacturers are cooperating in this way.
Manufacturers can form sales relationships with downstream distributors, such as the deal between Cisco and its distributors. Among them, Netsun's websites, led by Sinochem.com, have become the representative websites of industry B2B, reinterpreting the concept of vertical search, so that more business people are accustomed to using the search mode to do business with the business circle and find customers.
2. B2B for intermediate trading market (also can be called regional B2B). This trading model is horizontal B2B, it is the various industries in the similar trading process centralized to a place, for the enterprise's buyers and suppliers to provide a trading opportunity, such as Alibaba, China Manufacturing Network, Global Sources and so on.
Other related content B2C (Business To Customer) is one kind of e-commerce categorized by transaction object, that is to say, it represents business-to-consumer e-commerce. This form of e-commerce is generally dominated by e-tailing, which carries out online sales activities mainly with the help of the Inter.
For example, the operation of a variety of books, flowers, computers, communications supplies and other commodities B2C Web site on behalf of Amazon, is a company to the customer sales business model C2C (Customer To Customer) is an individual to individual sales business model. E-bay is the representative. In China is Taobao as a representative. China is currently more famous B2B website 1. Alibaba: Alibaba, led by Jack Ma, for five consecutive years was named the world's largest B2B website; 2. Huicong Business Network: Guo Fansheng led by the industry-wide e-commerce site, is currently the most complete information on the domestic industry, the largest industry portal platform; 3. China Manufacturing (wenwen.sogou/login/redirect) ?url=%3A%2F%2F.made-in-china): the most senior global sourcing network, its information platform and high-quality business services more China's development of domestic and foreign trade provides strong support; 4.global resources (wenwen.sogou/login/redirect?url=%3A%2F%2Fchina) .globalsources): Globalsources is one of the earliest B2B online trading hubs listed and profitable on NASDAQ in the U.S. Over the past 34 years, Globalsources has been committed to providing professional trade information and has formed a strategic alliance with eBay, the world's largest online trading platform, to become another strong gear in the Chinese B2B platform.
What is B2B, B2C, and C2C?
is business-to-business online trading
B2B refers to Business to Business, that is, merchant (generalized as business) to merchant e-commerce
(Business To Customer) is one type of e-commerce categorized by transaction object, which means business-to-consumer e-commerce. This form of e-commerce is generally dominated by e-tailing, which carries out online sales activities mainly with the help of the Inter.
Many people do not understand what is c2c? c2c is actually a professional term for e-commerce, c2c that is, c to c, because the pronunciation of the English 2 with the to, so the c to c abbreviated as c2c. c refers to the consumer, because the consumer's English word is consumer, so abbreviated as c. Now we should know that the c2c means consumer (consumer). c2c means consumer-to-consumer e-commerce. For example, if a consumer has an old computer and sells it to another consumer through an online auction, this type of transaction is called c2c e-commerce.
c2c e-commerce mainly refers to online auctions. c2c mode is characterized by mass trading, because it is a transaction between individuals and individuals!
Oh hope to help you!
What is B2B?
Definition of B2B B2B refers to Business to Business, as in businesses doing business with other businesses, business (generally referred to as business) to business e-commerce, that is, between businesses and enterprises through the Internet to exchange products, services and information. The B2B is a business to business, as in businesses doing business with other businesses.
The common term for this is that both the supply and demand sides of e-commerce transactions are businesses (or enterprises, companies), and she (he) uses the technology of the Inter or a variety of business network platforms to complete the process of business transactions. These processes include: the release of supply and demand information, ordering and confirmation of orders, the payment process and the issuance, transmission and receipt of bills, to determine the distribution program and monitor the distribution process.
Sometimes written B to B, but for simplicity simply use its harmonic B2B (2 that is to also). The development of e-commerce in the process of C2C (Custom to Custom), B2C, C2B and other modes.
At present, the two basic modes of B2B Vertical B2B for manufacturing or business-oriented. vertical B2B can be divided into two directions, namely, upstream and downstream.
Manufacturers or commercial retailers can form supply relationships with upstream suppliers, for example, Dell Computer Corporation and upstream chip and motherboard manufacturers are cooperating in this way. Manufacturers can form sales relationships with downstream resellers, such as Cisco's dealings with its distributors.
Simply put, this mode of B2B website is similar to the online store, this type of website is actually a corporate website, is the enterprise directly on the Internet to open a virtual store, through such (their) website can vigorously promote their products, with a faster and more comprehensive means to allow more customers to understand their own products, to promote transactions. Or it can also be a website opened by merchants, these merchants in their own website to publicize their own business goods, the purpose is also to use a more intuitive and convenient way to promote and expand the transaction.
B2B for intermediary markets: This mode of trading is horizontal B2B, which centralizes similar trading processes in various industries into a single venue, providing a trading opportunity for enterprise buyers and suppliers, such as Alibaba, B2b168, and Global Sources, etc.
This mode of trading is horizontal B2B.
This kind of website is actually neither the enterprise that owns the product nor the businessman that operates the commodity, it only provides a platform to bring together the sellers and purchasers on the Internet, and the purchasers can check the relevant information of the sellers and the relevant information of the sales commodities on its website. The advantages of B2B and its direct benefits to the enterprise Traditional business-to-business transactions tend to consume a lot of resources and time of the enterprise, whether it is sales and distribution or purchasing to take up the cost of products.
Through B2B transactions buyers and sellers are able to complete the entire business process online, from the establishment of the initial impression, to the comparison of goods, to bargaining, signing and delivery, and finally to the customer service. B2B makes the transaction between the enterprise to reduce the number of transactional workflow and management costs, reducing the cost of business operations.
The convenience of the network and the extension of the nature of the enterprise to expand the scope of activities, enterprise development across the region and across borders more convenient, cheaper. B2B is not just about creating an online community of buyers and sellers, it also provides the basis for strategic cooperation between companies.
Any enterprise, no matter how strong it has the technical strength or how good the business strategy, to realize B2B alone is completely impossible. The era of fighting alone has passed, and the establishment of cooperative alliances between enterprises has gradually become the development trend.
The network makes the information pass unimpeded, enterprises can through the network in the market, the product or operation, etc. to establish complementary and mutually beneficial cooperation, the formation of horizontal or vertical form of business integration, to a larger scale, stronger strength, more economical operation to truly achieve the mode of global operations management. B2B is the realization of e-commerce, promote the development of enterprise business of an optimal entry point, the enterprise to obtain the most direct benefit is to reduce costs and improve efficiency, in the long run can also bring huge returns.
More than ever before, the integration of information technology is being emphasized in the overall strategy of companies. CEOs recognize that something has to be done to keep their businesses competitive.
Information technology is increasingly becoming a matter of life and death for organizations, and new investments in information technology can truly empower businesses, not just improve their day-to-day operations. The broad transaction flow of B2B Business customers: the one B of B2B, i.e., the buying merchant for electronic transactions.
Seller: The other B of B2B, the merchant who sells the electronic transaction. Transporter: The merchant who delivers the goods, i.e., the essential part of logistics and distribution.
Supplier: the enterprise that produces the product. Payment Gateway: A group of servers that connects the banking network to the Inter.
The main role is to complete the communication between the two, protocol conversion and data encryption, decryption, in order to protect the internal security of the bank. Bank: that is, online banking.
B2B transaction process, the following eight steps: the first step, the commercial customer to the seller to order, first of all, to issue a "user order", the order should include the name of the product, the number of a series of issues related to the product. The second step, the seller received a "user order", according to the "user order" requirements to the supplier to inquire about the product, issued "order inquiries.
The third step, the supplier received and reviewed the "order inquiries", to the seller to return to the "order inquiries" answer. Basically, the availability of goods and so on.
The fourth step, the seller confirms that the supplier can meet the requirements of commercial customers "user orders" in the case of the transport provider to send the "transport query" about the transportation of goods. The fifth step, the transporter in the receipt of "transportation inquiries", to the seller to return to the answer to the transportation query.
Such as: the ability to complete the transportation, and the date of transportation, route, mode and other requirements. Sixth step, after confirming that there is no problem with the transportation, the seller immediately give commercial customers "user orders" a satisfactory answer, at the same time to the supplier to send "shipping notice", and notify the transporter transportation.
In the seventh step, the transporter receives the "shipping notification" and starts shipping. The commercial customer then sends a "payment notification" to the payment gateway.
The payment gateway and the bank clearing note, etc. In the eighth step, the payment gateway sends a "transfer notification" to the seller that the transaction was successful.
Prospects for B2B Currently, the Internet-based B2B is developing at a very rapid pace, according to the latest statistics, at the beginning of this year on the Internet B2B transactions have far exceeded the B2C transactions in the next 5.
What is B2B C2C B2C
What is B2C B2C (business to customer). customer).
The B in B2C is Business, which means business, 2 is a portmanteau of to, and C is Customer, which means consumer, so B2C is a business-to-consumer e-commerce model. This form of e-commerce is generally dominated by e-tailing, which carries out online sales activities mainly with the help of the Inter.
B2C, in short, is a business activity between the merchant and the customer, which is often referred to as the "online shopping site", the enterprise, the merchant can make full use of the network infrastructure provided by the e-commerce city, payment platforms, security platforms, management platforms, and other **** enjoyment of the resources to carry out their own business activities effectively and at a low cost. Business activities. The significance of B2C B2C is that enterprises through the Internet to provide consumers with a new shopping environment - online stores, consumers through the network in the online shopping, online payment.
Because this model saves time and space for both customers and businesses, it greatly improves the efficiency of transactions, especially for busy office workers, for whom this model can save valuable time. However, the characteristics of the goods sold online are also very obvious, and are limited to some special goods, such as books, audio-visual products, digital products, flowers, toys and so on.
These goods on the buyer's eyes, ears, touch, smell and other sensory experience requirements are low, such as clothing, audio equipment, perfume, consumers need to experience a specific sensory experience of the goods are not suitable for online sales, of course, does not exclude a small number of consumers to identify a particular brand of a certain model without the need for on-site experience on the purchase of the decision to buy, but such a very small number of consumers, people are more willing to believe that their own experience of the feel to decide whether or not to buy. People are more willing to trust their own experience to decide whether to buy. Therefore, so far, the B2C market successful enterprises such as dangdang, excellence, are selling some special goods.
At present, the payment method of B2C e-commerce is a combination of cash on delivery and online payment, and most of the enterprises choose logistics outsourcing to save operating costs. With the change of users' consumption habits and the promotion of the demonstration effect of outstanding enterprises, online shopping users are growing rapidly, accounting for 5.4% of the entire Internet users in 2004, China's B2C e-commerce market reached 4.5 billion yuan by the end of 2004, and this business model has basically matured in China.
What is C2C [edit] Many people do not understand what is c2c?c2c is actually a professional term for e-commerce, c2c that is, c to c, because the pronunciation of 2 in English with two, so c to c abbreviated c2c. c refers to the consumer, because the English word for consumer is consumer, so abbreviated as c.
By now you should know that c2c means consumer (consumer) to consumer (consumer) e-commerce. For example, if a consumer has an old computer and sells it to another consumer through an online auction, this type of transaction is called c2c e-commerce.
c2c e-commerce mainly refers to online auctions. c2c model is characterized by mass transactions, as it is a transaction between individuals! C2C China development status [edit] In the fast-changing Internet industry, one year is enough to turn the sea into a mulberry field.
Two years ago (06), the strong intervention of pat.com to make the C2C field formed a four-legged situation, Taobao, eBay, pat, 123 pat, four each have a lot to offer, but the strengths and weaknesses are clearly distinguishable. After a year of wind and rain and then look back, too many things to make the original pattern has quietly changed, strong and weak potential isotope C2C into a more confusing after the four countries.
C2C and B2C [edit paragraph] Ai Rui market consulting will soon be published "2007 China Online Shopping Report" data show that commonly known as "online store" C2C online shopping model development faster than B2C, the two fusion trend is becoming more and more obvious, the future will be *** with the formation of the most competitive Internet business model. C2C turnover over B2C Internet shopping has two modes: one is the B2C mode, that is, goods and information from the enterprise directly to the consumer, and the other is C2C, that is, goods and information from the consumer directly to the consumer, commonly known as "online store".
The data show that as of the end of 2006, the overall turnover of online shopping reached 31.2 billion yuan, B2C and C2C overall turnover of 8.2 billion yuan and 23 billion yuan, respectively, the size of the C2C market increased by 85% year-on-year, the growth rate of more than the overall growth rate of online shopping. From the point of view of shopping content, B2C category to buy the type of goods to audio and video products, followed by software products; C2C shopping site sales of various types of goods, game point card, digital products and home furnishings and other products are buyers in the C2C category of shopping sites to buy the focus.
In addition, with the accumulation of buyers' purchasing experience and merchants' increasingly detailed and relevant descriptions of goods, coupled with the establishment of the return and exchange system, clothing, shoes and hats have gradually become a popular commodity category in online sales. According to Hou Tao, director of Ai Rui market, at the beginning of the market growth stage, B2C transaction is easier to be accepted by users because it avoids the problems of credit and payment security relative to C2C, so the transaction volume is higher than that of C2C in 2003 and 2004.
However, with the emergence of the third-party payment platforms and establishment of the credit evaluation system, the more flexible and free shopping mode of C2C has also been recognized by more and more users. recognized by more and more users.
The transaction volume of C2C has been growing rapidly since 2005.
Formation of "inside and outside" hegemony pattern The data provided by Ai Rui consulting is expected that in 2007, China's online shopping market size will exceed 50 billion yuan, reaching 51 billion yuan, the growth rate from the starting point of the period of 196% in 2002 fell to about 60% in 2006, next year, will be slightly improved, for 63.5%. 63.5%. In addition, the number of online shopping registrations in 2006 reached 43.1 million people, is expected to maintain a growth rate of more than 25% this year, reaching 55 million people.
According to the 18th "Statistical Report on Internet Development in China" released by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), among the dozens of online behaviors of 123 million Internet users, the proportion of shopping through the Internet is as high as 26%. According to this ratio, the direct customer base of online shopping will reach 32 million people.
However, such a huge market is currently shared by only a few companies. Despite the large number of shopping sites, there are only a few that are struggling to stay afloat due to the huge amount of capital investment required for shopping sites, creating a situation where "inside and outside" are competing.
Foreign representatives such as Joyo and Ebay; Joyo was founded by Kingsoft and Lenovo, and was acquired by US e-commerce giant Amazon in 2004, and Ebay introduced a partner in the US.