What does dr mean?

DR, an acronym for Dividend Right. Indicates ex-rights and ex-dividend, and the purchase of such a stock no longer entitles you to dividend payments; (this symbol will automatically disappear on the second trading day and revert back to the normal name)


English meaning in front of the name of the stock:

Dividend Class:

XR, an abbreviation for Excludes Right. Indicates that the stock has been excluded from the right to buy such a stock will no longer be entitled to dividends; (This symbol will automatically disappear on the second trading day and return to the normal name)

DR, abbreviation for Dividend Right. It means that the stock is ex-dividend, and the purchase of such a stock will no longer entitle you to dividends; (this symbol will automatically disappear on the second trading day and revert to its normal name)

XD, an abbreviation for ex (without) dividend. Indicates that the stock is ex-dividend, and the purchase of such a stock will no longer entitle you to dividend payments. (The symbol disappears on the second trading day and reverts to its normal name)

Other categories:

ST, a special treatment for companies that have lost money for two consecutive fiscal years; an ST is a losing stock.

*ST, is three consecutive years of losses, the meaning of the risk of delisting, the purchase of such stocks to have a better ability to analyze the fundamentals.

N, the name of the first day of listing of new stocks will be added before the letter N, that is, the meaning of the English NEW. (This symbol will automatically disappear on the second trading day and revert to its normal name)

S*ST, refers to the company's operation for three consecutive years of losses, for delisting warning and has not yet completed the stock reform.

SST, refers to the company's operation for two consecutive years of losses for the special treatment and has not yet completed the share reform.

S, stocks that have not yet undergone or completed stock reform.

NST, ST stocks that have been restored to the market after reorganization or stock reform.

G, stocks that have undergone stock reform. (At the beginning of the reform process, the word "G" was added in front of the names of reformed stocks to distinguish them from those that had not been reformed. At present, almost all A-shares have been reformed, so there is no such thing as a G-share anymore.)

SST, which refers to companies that have not yet undergone share reform, have posted losses for two consecutive fiscal years.

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