What is the role of the ventilator What are the steps to use it

So, what are the functions of the ventilator? What are the steps to use? Ventilator is a device that can replace, control or change the normal physiological respiration of human beings, and its function is to increase pulmonary ventilation, improve respiratory function, reduce respiratory function consumption, and conserve the reserve capacity of the heart. When infants and young children suffer from acute respiratory failure, after active conservative treatment is ineffective, breathing is weakened and sputum is abundant and thick, difficult to expel sputum, obstructing the airway or pulmonary atelectasis occurs, tracheal intubation and ventilator should be considered. Ventilator is suitable for night snoring, sleep apnea / obesity hypoventilation syndrome, nocturnal hypoxia syndrome patients. 2. daytime sleepiness, memory loss, mental trance and personality changes and other symptoms, snoring (sleep snoring) 3. cerebral hypoxic diseases. The use of ventilator steps are given below: First, connect the ventilator pipeline, oxygen and power supply. The order of starting the machine is air compressor - humidifier - host. And machine self-test. (Ventilator shutdown order is coincidentally the opposite, that is, first shut down the host - humidifier - air compressor, and then shut down the air supply.) Second, choose the breathing mode. First, first determine whether it is controlled or assisted breathing, and then determine the mode of mechanical ventilation. When using the ventilator for the first time, you may feel uncomfortable. This is normal. Take a few deep breaths and after a period of self-adjustment, the patient will gradually adapt to this new feeling. If you need to get up during the night, remove the mask and turn off the ventilator. When you go back to sleep, put the mask back on and turn the ventilator on. Kang Aiduo sincerely provide you with a variety of drugs and medical equipment, Kang Aiduo in line with the credibility of the business, quality first, customer first, sincere service business purposes for the general public, is the first choice of the national users to buy genuine drugs.