Ltd. recruitment information, Taiyuan City, Taiyuan City, Terraville Medical Equipment Co.

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Company Profile:

Taiyuan Terra Velva Medical Instruments Ltd. was founded in 2016. -November 07, 2016, the registered capital is 1,000,000 RMB yuan, the legal representative is Zhang Shengxie, the company's address is Changfeng Street, Changfeng District, Taiyuan City, Xiaodian District, North Pingyang Road, West Pingyang Jinyuan 65 B, Building 15, Unit 3, 1802, Unified Social Credit Code and Tax ID is 91140105MA0GY6KM0R, industry is the retail of medical supplies and equipment, the registration authority is the Taiyuan City Xiaodian Branch of the Administration for Industry and Commerce, the scope of business is the operation of medical equipment; hardware, electrical and mechanical equipment, computer hardware and software and accessories, electronic components, office supplies, decorative materials sales; computer network engineering. (Projects subject to approval by law, approved by the relevant departments before carrying out business activities) ***, Taiyuan City Tyrellville Medical Equipment Co.

Zhang Shengxi, with a capital contribution of 35.00% and a contribution of 35.000000000

Han Jin, with a capital contribution of 5.00% and a contribution of 5.000000000


Han Jin works as a Supervisor of the Company

Zhang Shengxi works as an Executive Director and General Manager

Jia Shaowei. General Manager