Vacuum pump performance parameters and scope of use?

Vacuum pump performance parameters and the scope of use of the specific content is what, the following Zhongda consulting for you to answer.

A vacuum pump performance parameters

1, the ultimate pressure of the vacuum pump

The ultimate pressure of the pump unit is Pa, the pump is equipped with a standard test cover at the inlet and according to the specified conditions of work, in the absence of the introduction of gas under normal working conditions, the tendency to stabilize the minimum pressure.

2, vacuum pump pumping rate

Pump pumping rate unit is m3 / s or l / s, is the pump equipped with a standard test hood, and according to the specified conditions of work, from the test hood flow through the gas flow and the test hood in the specified position measured in the equilibrium of the ratio of pressure. Abbreviated pumping speed of the pump.

3, the pumping volume of the vacuum pump

The pumping volume of the vacuum pump is Pa m3/s or Pa l/s. It is the gas flow rate of the pump inlet.

4, the starting pressure of the vacuum pump

The starting pressure of the vacuum pump is Pa, which refers to the pressure when the pump starts without damage and has pumping effect.

5, the pump's front stage pressure

The unit of vacuum pump's front stage pressure is Pa, it refers to the outlet pressure of the vacuum pump whose exhaust pressure is lower than one atmosphere.

6, the maximum fore stage pressure of vacuum pump

The unit of the maximum fore stage pressure of vacuum pump mouth is Pa, which refers to the fore stage pressure that exceeds the one that can make the pump damaged.

7, the maximum working pressure of the vacuum pump

The unit of the maximum working pressure of the vacuum pump is Pa, which refers to the inlet pressure corresponding to the maximum pumping volume. Under this pressure, the pump can work continuously without deterioration or damage.

8, compression ratio

Compression ratio is the ratio of the pump's outlet pressure to the inlet pressure for a given gas.

9, Ho coefficient

Pump pumping channel area of the actual pumping speed and the theoretical pumping speed of the place calculated by molecular lagoon.

10, pumping speed coefficient

Pump pumping speed and the pump inlet at the molecular lagoon calculated by the ratio of theoretical pumping speed.

11, return rate

Pump return rate unit is g/c m2.s. It refers to the pump according to the specified conditions of work, through the pump inlet unit area of the pump flow rate of mass flow.

12, water vapor allowable

Water vapor allowable unit is kg/h, it refers to the pump under normal environmental conditions, gas ballast pumps in continuous operation can be pumped out of the water vapor mass flow.

13, the maximum allowable water vapor inlet pressure

Maximum allowable water vapor inlet pressure unit is Pa . It refers to the normal environmental conditions, the gas ballast pump in continuous operation can be pumped out of the highest inlet pressure of water vapor.

Second, the use of vacuum pumps

Because of the various vacuum pumps have a range of working pressure and starting pressure are different, so in the selection of vacuum pumps must meet these requirements. Table 3-1 gives the working pressure range of various commonly used vacuum pumps and the starting pressure values of the pumps for reference.

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