Yameng is a care brand from Japan, the company is a listed beauty appliances company, was founded in 1978, and Yameng YA-MAN products in the family beauty is also widely used, the reputation is still very good. And yameng beauty instrument is really effective this issue online controversy, there are many netizens of yameng beauty instrument effect to express affirmation, but also think that the use of yameng beauty instrument can really improve the skin problem to a certain extent.
Some consumers feel that the price of Yamei beauty instrument has some expensive, and the effect is not as good as advertised, the use of a period of time can not achieve the expected results. In fact, Yameng beauty instrument as a daily skincare tools, adhere to the use of people should not be much, even more difficult to adhere to than the mask, often need to adhere to the use of a few months or even more than a year to have the effect, so some of the platforms hanging out of the second-hand beauty instrument is also more.
In short, Yameng beauty instrument does not belong to the medical equipment, the use of the effect should be different from person to person, we can consider whether to buy according to the actual situation.