2, now the smart bracelet to sports, health-based, sports, mainly focus on monitoring the movement of the relevant data, in the movement can be monitored to walk the number of steps, walking mileage, calories consumed by the movement, the hand epidermal temperature, etc., but also can monitor the sleep state.
3, sports bracelet pedometer function mainly has two kinds. One for the three-dimensional rhythmic motion sensor another for the green light photoelectric measurement, but because the heart rate photoelectric transmission measurement needs to be added to the back of the bracelet a chip, with the hand touch to monitor.
4, sports bracelet its built-in battery can last 15 days, vibration motor is very practical, simple design style can also play a role in the decoration of jewelry.
5, medical health bracelet can measure pulse, heart rate, skin temperature, as well as other environmental information, such as light and environmental noise levels. With a health bracelet, doctors can track and understand a patient's health even when he is not in the hospital. However, Google's bracelet will not be marketed as a general consumer electronic product, but rather as a specialized medical device that can be offered to patients or used in clinical trials.