Why should schools install external defibrillators?

You may not understand the significance of placing these devices. ...

Sudden cardiac death is the largest type of sudden death, and its main cause is a fatal arrhythmia called ventricular fibrillation. When ventricular fibrillation occurs, the heart loses its effective contractility, resulting in the inability to pump blood, which is equivalent to cardiac arrest. Electrical defibrillation is considered to be the best way to treat this arrhythmia, but the usual defibrillators are only equipped in hospitals and ambulances, so such patients need to spend a lot of time waiting for the arrival of ambulances and cannot be treated in time. The important significance of deploying automated external defibrillator in schools and various public places is to shorten the time from ventricular fibrillation to first defibrillation and improve the prognosis of patients when sudden cardiac death occurs. Moreover, automated external defibrillator is simple and easy to use, and even any ordinary adult can use it correctly without professional training.

And why do you want to install this equipment in schools? First of all, physical exercise and other circumstances may indeed increase the risk of sudden death of some special students (of course, these risks are unknown, and many people do not know their basic diseases); In addition, please don't forget that older adults (teachers are also at school) and even people passing by the school may benefit from this.