This skeptical friends, it is recommended that you prepare a formaldehyde meter, in a formaldehyde exceeds the standards of the room, you turn on the air purifier can be removed to test, run for a period of time to detect the entire indoor air quality, do not only detect the air quality of the wind, to see if it says the right thing, the results of its test either formaldehyde concentration almost equalized and unchanged, or indoor formaldehyde on the contrary, increased.
The core principle of the air purifier is the internal circulation equipment, the internal use of physical filtration-based, with activated carbon adsorption filters, some brands also added electrostatic dust removal and ozone sterilization. From its principle analysis, the removal of formaldehyde is partly dependent on activated carbon adsorption, activated carbon adsorption capacity is indeed very strong, in the removal of odors, water purification, air purification industry is widely used in the laboratory vessel test, the formaldehyde adsorption effect within the unit container is good, as high as 99% of the data is so, but the actual application of the activated carbon adsorption capacity of the air purifier filters is indeed limited, and the indoor Source volatile formaldehyde, so in the new house users, it is strongly recommended not to use air purifiers, its effect on the removal of formaldehyde is a drop in the bucket. And the use of air purifiers, indoor ventilation can not be realized effectively, aggravate the degree of pollution indoor decoration.
So what is the real role of the air purifier? Remove or reduce indoor odors, reduce indoor pm2.5 concentration, since the beginning of 2013, we recognize the power and harm of haze, many times pm2.5 up to 300 or more, resulting in some respiratory disease patients induced asthma, etc., indoor placement of an air purifier can effectively reduce the concentration of indoor pm2.5, reduce the impact of haze on health.
If it is for the haze alone, choose an air purifier, air purifier is affordable, easy to carry easy to move, flexible. If the formaldehyde exceeds the standard environment to remove formaldehyde with, we still do not use air purifiers, it is recommended to maintain effective indoor ventilation, so that the effect of removing formaldehyde will be more safe and effective.