This is not a sci-fi plot! Scientists are researching the implantation of a chip in the brain's nerves to aid in memory recovery.

Implanting a microchip in the brain's nerves and jogging forgotten memories... This may not be just a sci-fi movie any more, but a real technology in the near future. According to the report, the Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory has been awarded $2.5 million by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to collaborate with researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Medronic Medical Devices, Inc. to try to restore memories by embedding a microchip in the brain's nerves to assist those who have suffered a blow to the brain or have been damaged by a disease.

The program hopes to conduct clinical trials for up to four years after the chip is developed, but the key is still to complete the hardware first; and the fact that the program is funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is also related to the fact that more than 270,000 members of the US military suffer from war-related brain damage and Alzheimer's disease, stroke, and other conditions, not to mention that at least 1.7 million other civilians suffer from brain damage in the US. Not to mention that there are at least 1.7 million civilians in the U.S. who also suffer from memory loss due to brain damage.

NEWS SOURCE: SFGate , Ubergizmo