Passive medical devices

Reference: Rules for Classification of Medical Devices (Bureau Decree No. 15)

Medical devices are categorized into certain forms of use based on different intended purposes. Among them: Divided into passive devices and active devices

1 Passive medical devices are medical devices that do not rely on a power source nor energy generated by gravity to perform their functions, such as: bandages, stethoscopes, toothbrushes, and so on.

Passive devices are used in the form of: drug delivery and preservation devices; change blood, body fluids devices; medical dressings; surgical instruments; reuse surgical instruments; disposable sterile devices; implantable devices; contraception and family planning devices; disinfection and cleaning devices; nursing devices, in vitro diagnostic reagents, other passive contact or passive auxiliary devices, etc..

(2. Active devices are used in the form of: energy therapy devices; diagnostic and monitoring devices; delivery of body fluids devices; ionizing radiation devices; laboratory instruments and equipment, medical disinfection equipment; other active devices or active auxiliary equipment. )