The Huawei bracelet 4 blood oxygen saturation measurement out of the value feel not quite accurate ah?

1. Please wear the bracelet correctly, with your arm flat, keep the bracelet screen up, and fit the bracelet comfortably to your wrist skin (wear it a little tighter), do not wear it on your wrist joints, and then start the oximetry measurement on the bracelet, keep your arm still during the whole measurement.

2. Make sure the sensor on the back of the bracelet is clean, dry, and free of foreign objects.

3, low temperature environment (such as high altitude, winter and other low-temperature scenarios) can be removed from the bracelet, the wearer of the bracelet parts of the rubbing active blood circulation and then wear on the bracelet for measurement.

4, by external factors (arm hair, tattoos, darker skin color, arm sagging, arm shaking, etc.), the measurement results may be inaccurate, or can not be out of the value of the situation.

5. For more accurate results, we recommend that you wear the device for 3-5 minutes before measuring oxygen saturation.

6. Measurement results are for reference only and are not intended to be used as a diagnostic or medical basis.