Advanced equipment of Huaihe Hospital of Henan University

The hospital has advanced equipments, including 3 sets of American GE 16-row 320-row CT***, 2 sets of magnetic *** vibration imagers*** including Siemens 3.0T magnetic *** vibration, 2 sets of American GE angiography machine***, Swiss Il Linear Accelerator, Digital X-ray Imaging System, Siemens Perinatal 4D Ultrasound and Philips Cardiac 4D Ultrasound, Blood Analysis 2 sets of blood analyzing line, large automatic biochemical analyzer, excimer myopia treatment instrument and other large testing and diagnostic treatment instruments. The hospital has established an electronic medical record system centered on HIS, PACS system and LIS system for real-time transmission between the north and south of Huaihe Hospital and departments, which allows you to browse CR, DR, gastrointestinal imaging images and CT, MR, DSA images, and all the image data can be saved on CD-ROM.