Nanning garbage classification into several categories

Life waste in Nanning is divided into the following four categories:

(a) Recyclables, which refers to wastes that are suitable for recovery and can be recycled, including paper, plastics, metals, fabrics, glass, and electrical and electronic products, etc.;

(b) Food waste, which refers to perishable, organic-containing household wastes, including household food waste, kitchen waste and other food waste, etc.;

(c) Hazardous waste, refers to waste that causes direct or potential harm to human health or the natural environment, including batteries, fluorescent tubes, mercury-containing thermometers and sphygmomanometers, medicines, paints, solvents, pesticides, disinfectants and their containers, film and photographic paper, etc.;

(d) Other garbage, refers to domestic waste in addition to the first three items. (d) Other garbage, refers to household garbage other than the first three items.

The units and individuals who generate domestic waste are responsible for the classification of domestic waste, and should place domestic waste in accordance with the following regulations:

(a) According to the classification of recyclables, food waste, hazardous waste, other waste, respectively, into the collection of containers with the appropriate markings;

(b) Waste Furniture and home appliances and other large waste items, stacked separately in the place designated by the person responsible for the management of the classification of household garbage;

(C) food waste should be filtered out of water and put, not mixed with wood, bamboo, plastic and other items that are not easy to decay;

(D) fragile or containing harmful liquids in the waste should be taken to prevent breakage or leakage measures after the put;

(E) the waste should be put into the collection containers according to the classification of recyclables, hazardous waste, other waste, respectively.

(E) the State, the autonomous region and the city on the classification of household garbage put other provisions.

Any unit or individual shall not abandon, dumping, piling of domestic garbage, industrial solid waste, medical waste, other hazardous wastes, animal carcasses, as well as construction waste, landscaping and maintenance of the process of branches, leaves, dead trees and other green waste mixed with domestic waste.