01.Explanation of the Catalog of Classification of Medical Devices
02.6801 Basic Surgical Instruments 03.6802 Microsurgical Instruments
04.6803 Neurosurgical Surgical Instruments 05.6804 Ophthalmological Surgical Instruments
06.6805 Ear, Nose and Throat Surgical Instruments 07.6806 Surgical Instruments for Oral Surgery
08.6807 Surgical Instruments for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 09.6808 Surgical Instruments for Abdominal Surgery
10.6809 Surgical Instruments for Urological and Anorectal Surgery 11.6810 Surgical Instruments for Orthopedic Surgery (Orthopedics)
12.6812 Surgical Instruments for Obstetrics and Gynecology 13.6813 Family Planning Surgical Instruments
14.6815 Injection and Puncture Instruments 15.6816 Surgical Instruments for Burns (Orthopedics)
16.6820 General Diagnostic Instruments 17.6821 Medical Electronic Instruments and Equipment
18.6822 Medical Optical Apparatus, Instruments, and Endoscopic Devices 19.6823 Ultrasonic Instruments and Related Equipment for Medical Use
20.6824 Medical Laser Instruments and Equipment 21.6825 Medical High Frequency Instruments and Equipment
22.6826 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Equipment 23.6827 Traditional Chinese Medicine Instruments
24.6828 Medical Magnetic **** Vibration Equipment 25.6830 Medical X-ray Equipment
26.6831 Medical X-ray Appurtenances and Parts 27.6832 Medical high-energy ray equipment
28.6833 Medical nuclide equipment 29.6834 Medical ray protection supplies and devices
30.6840 Clinical testing and analyzing instruments 31.6841 Medical laboratory and basic equipment apparatus
32.6845 Extracorporeal circulation and blood treatment equipment 33.6846 Implantable materials and Artificial Organs
34.6854 Equipment and Apparatus for Operating Rooms, Emergency Rooms and Diagnostic Rooms 35.6855 Equipment and Apparatus for Stomatology
36.6856 Equipment and Apparatus for Ward Care 37.6857 Equipment and Apparatus for Disinfection and Sterilization
38.6858 Equipment and Apparatus for Medical Cold Therapy, Cryogenics and Refrigeration 39.6863 Materials for Dental Care
40.6864 Hygienic Materials and Dressings for Medical Use 41.6865 Suture Materials and Adhesives for Medical Use
42.6866 Polymer Materials and Products for Medical Use 43.6870 Softwares
44.6877 Interventional Devices
For specific detailed classifications, please refer to the following connection
/gyx02302/ flml.htm