The implementation of order-based production how to recognize revenue

Enterprise cost control refers to the enterprise according to a certain period of time pre-established cost management objectives, by the cost control body in its terms of reference, in the production of consumption before and cost formation process, the various factors affecting the cost of factors and conditions of a series of preventive and regulatory measures to ensure that the cost of management objectives of the management of behavior. Broadly speaking, it includes cost forecasting, cost planning, cost control, cost accounting, cost assessment and cost analysis of six links. These links according to the cost of time successively divided into pre control, control and post control. Ex-ante control for cost forecasting and cost planning, cost control and cost accounting requirements; in-ante control for the process of cost control and cost accounting, for analysis, assessment to provide a basis; ex-post control for cost assessment and cost analysis, forecasting plans to provide feedback. In this way, a link to promote a link, interlocking, forming a comprehensive cost control, so that the entire cost control work in an orderly manner. Among them, the pre-cost control plays an important role in the overall effect of enterprise cost control. First of all, it is an important basis for cost and expense decision-making and other business decisions, can provide a clear goal for the cost management work, enhance the predictability, reduce blindness, which is conducive to the establishment of cost and expense management responsibility system and the implementation of target management, to promote the enterprise to increase production and savings, tap the potential to reduce the cost of cost and expense level; Secondly, it can provide a basis for the enterprise's future fund-raising activities. basis. In short, the cost of prior control of the enterprise's financial management work has an important significance. Through a number of practical investigation and research shows that in a single piece, small batch, multi-species, large sets of production types and production organization characteristics of large equipment manufacturing enterprises, the use of traditional cost management methods, resulting in the cost of cost plans and various reduction rate indicators in the prediction of the bias, the predicted data is difficult to guide the actual, the enterprise's cost management can not achieve the desired results, bringing economic benefits are not significant. Therefore, this type of enterprise can consider adopting the process cost standard method for cost control and accounting based on the development of cost standards for production/processing processes.

2, the characteristics of the production organization and its impact on cost control

Large equipment manufacturing enterprises due to its unique type of production and production organization, for the planning and control of the cost of the enterprise with the general needs are not consistent. From the type of production on the cost control of this correspondence, its main features are summarized as follows:

(1) single piece, small batch, multi-species, large complete sets. This fundamental characteristic of the products of large-scale equipment manufacturing enterprises usually require companies need to give special attention to the cost of product items planning and accounting, rather than focusing solely on the enterprise's comprehensive cost management.

(2) order design and manufacturing mode. Large-scale equipment manufacturing enterprises usually have to re-design products according to the order requirements, and even the need for research and development, product technical data repeatability is poor, which in turn leads to cost planning and cost accounting required reference data is difficult to obtain, not a system, and low precision, poor comparison.

(3) Complex product structure. Because of the complex structure of large equipment products, such enterprises for the convenience of production organization, generally according to the production cycle and the product structure of the relationship between the composition of the product is described as a product - part of the set of parts - parts - parts and other levels, and usually by part of the set of cost planning and accounting for the product. The important parts of the product is also known as the main parts, need to be processed in some important precision large-scale rare equipment, and these equipments are generally the bottleneck of the enterprise's resources. Therefore, from any point of view, the main parts / precision large rare equipment is the main control point of cost control.

(4) product parts and components, large tonnage, long manufacturing cycle. Large equipment single parts usually tens of thousands of parts, some parts weighing thousands of tons, and the entire unit is often to be installed on-site. Manufacturing cycle is long both due to the unit manufacturing cycle is long, but also due to technical preparation, production preparation and material preparation and other preparation time is long. Therefore, the costing of the product is more important, the cost of the project's independence is strong, and more importantly, its cost plan accounting for the product project characteristics.

(5) the product process is complex and diverse. Large equipment products need a variety of parts manufacturing process to complete, which leads to the rationality of product cost sharing by working hours is difficult to ensure.

(6) lower degree of product standardization. The main parts of large equipment products are required to organize production within the enterprise. Some supporting parts usually use national standard parts (referred to as national standard parts), mainly purchased; such enterprises after decades of accumulation, but also the formation of a number of types of general-purpose parts, so that the enterprise standard parts (referred to as factory standard parts); in the design process, but also usually borrowed from some of the parts that have been produced products (referred to as borrowed parts). From the general situation, the national standard parts, factory standard parts are not large-scale equipment manufacturing enterprises production and management of parts mainstream, which is the basic reason for the lack of such enterprises cost plan accounting reference system.

3, the application of traditional cost control methods weeks

Traditional, classic cost control methods are mainly three: standard cost method, fixed cost method and target cost method. For large equipment manufacturing enterprises, due to the above mentioned production types and production organization and its impact on cost planning and control of the characteristics of the traditional cost control methods is not appropriate, there are the following problems:

(1) the reference system of the product cost problem. Due to the reasons mentioned above, large equipment manufacturing enterprises, product technical information data repeatability is poor, enterprise cost planning and cost accounting required reference system is difficult to form, even if formulated, the utilization rate is very low, lack of economic significance. Therefore, for large equipment manufacturing enterprises, the standard cost method advocated by the evaluation of actual costs, measure the efficiency of work as the expected cost of the cost standard is of no practical significance; the so-called by comparing the actual cost of the standard cost from the difference between the analysis of the cost has also become the wood for the trees. Similarly, the application of fixed cost method is difficult to realize.

(2) the reasonable apportionment of product costs. Because of the large equipment products and its components of strong technical personality, its manufacturing time data is not easy to get early, and its accuracy is not enough, it is not possible to timely preparation of cost quotas for the control and analysis of the calculation, which improves the total cost of the department in the distribution of various products between the difficulty of the total cost. For a single customized product, thousands of parts and their more or less manufacturing process, the preparation of cost quotas is unrealistic.

(3) The problem of target cost with layers of refinement. Target cost refers to the cost calculated according to the expected realizable sales revenue minus the target profit, it is the application of target management ideas in cost management. The target cost method is to compare the actual cost with the target cost, reveal the difference between the actual cost and the target cost, analyze and overcome the reasons for the difference, so as to realize the optimization of cost control. Target cost method also has its own characteristics: in the product design stage, it must first collect the market demand, determine the specific requirements of the product, accordingly design, develop processes and determine the price of raw materials and parts consumed, so as to initially estimate a target cost; in order to analyze and judge the feasibility of the target cost of the initial estimate, it must be implemented before the target cost of the feasibility analysis. In order to analyze and judge the feasibility of the preliminary target cost, it must be analyzed before its implementation. The main point of the target cost method is to pay attention to the highest level of the cost subject to set goals, clarify the tasks of the organization, set the objectives of subordinate personnel and the formulation of the objectives of the iterative cycle of the process. Large equipment products need to be layers of detailed target costs, how to prepare the target cost of customized products, and how to decompose it to the level of product structure, is such enterprises to achieve cost control must solve the problem.

In summary, the above traditional cost control methods can not be simply used for large equipment manufacturers, can not fully meet its cost control needs, large equipment manufacturers need to seek appropriate and effective cost control methods.

4, process cost standard and its development method

4.1 The concept of process cost standard

Process cost standard refers to a certain rule and historical data, the product processing department as an accounting unit, the determination of the enterprise production/processing processes related to the cost of labor standard. By labor hour cost standard, it is meant that such standard is related to equipment processing only, and is the processing cost per unit hour or per calculation cycle (e.g., week or month) of the occupied equipment. The material cost of the product is not always related to the processing equipment, so the material cost of the product is not covered by the process cost. The process here is not each specific process of product processing, its inner meaning refers to the enterprise production and processing of products required for the equipment or work centers, so that the difficult to solve the product cost standard into a relatively stable standard of processing equipment costs. For all the production products of the enterprise, as long as the use of a certain equipment, in accordance with the consumption of this equipment and cost-sharing costs, and accordingly as the cost of the product or its parts and components of the standard.

The process cost standard can have the total process cost standard and process cost standard broken down into a specific cost account. The latter refers to the cost account standards for each of the subjects such as labor costs, power and fuel costs and manufacturing costs, that is, using a certain method to arrive at each piece of processing equipment in the name of the cost of each cost account standard; the former is the process cost standard derived from the summary of all the cost account standards of each piece of equipment, that is, all the costs consumed by the equipment for each working hour of the work. With the exception of materials and material variances, process cost account standards may involve accounts covering all cost items as required.

The preparation and application of the standard method of process cost is through prior investigation and research, combined with the enterprise's historical data, to take a scientific approach to develop the standard cost of all the enterprise's equipment, and then according to the use of product parts and components of the equipment hours to calculate the cost of standard, and will be compared with the actual cost of the cost of the production of cost differences in a timely manner to reveal the cost of the cost of the cost of the cost of control. Process cost standards can run through the entire process of enterprise cost control, cost planning, cost control, cost accounting and cost analysis organically combined for large equipment manufacturing enterprises, is a more scientific and practical cost control methods. The use of process cost standard mainly includes the following aspects:

(1) as the price of internal process collaboration;

(2) to guide the cost plan and other related cost control activities;

(3) as the calculation basis for cost accounting.

4.2 Specific formulation of process cost standards

(1) Categorization of process cost account standards

Process cost account standards are categorized on the basis of the attribute categories of specific accounts listed in Table 1.

The data for setting process cost standards are derived from the annual/monthly cost budgets and the system hours of the equipment. Annual/monthly cost budgets are generally derived from historical data, statistical comparisons, or artificially selected control totals; system hours are based on technical requirements and labor hour needs. A few examples of preparation are listed below.

Example 1, directly charged to the cost account/institutional labor hours apportionment - workers' wages and surcharges. Can be based on the wage level of different work centers and the structure of the staff to develop the wage level of this work center, the formula is as follows

c (n, m, h) = n.m / h

Wherein, c (n, m, h) for the standard of the equipment staffing workers' wages and surcharges (yuan / hour), h is the development of the standard number of hours of the monthly system of the equipment (hours / month), a / for the equipment for the fixed number of workers (people), m is the wage level of the equipment (yuan / person. Month).

Example 2, directly charged to the cost account / system working hours pool - power and fuel costs. The equipment is based on the energy consumption characteristics of the development of energy consumption standards, based on the energy unit price of the energy and equipment system working hours, you can develop the power fuel cost of the equipment, the cost per unit hour of the standard formula is as follows

e (β, h) = β. p

Which, e (p, h) for the equipment of the hourly standard of the cost of power fuels (yuan / hour), β for the equipment energy consumption standard (energy consumption unit/hour), p is the unit price of that power fuel ($/energy consumption unit).

The formula for calculating the monthly cost standard is as follows

em (β, p, h) = β. p. h = e (β, h). h

Where em (β, p, h) is the monthly standard for the power fuel cost of the equipment ($/month), and slice is the number of monthly institutional hours (hours/month) of the equipment for which the standard was established.

Example 3, Apportioned Accounts - Power Fuel Cost (for shop/non-production equipment). The development of the cost standard is based on the original value of its equipment share of the original value of its production sector of the proportion of the total value of the equipment, the formula for calculating the monthly cost standard is as follows

es (p0, pr) = cst.p0/pr

Wherein, es (p0, pr) for the (shop/non-production equipment) power fuel costs monthly standard (yuan / month), cst for the production sector of the month the power fuel costs (hours / month). Department of the month the power of the fuel costs (yuan / month), p0 for the original value of the equipment, pr for the original value of all equipment in the production sector.

(2) summary of the total process cost standard

For a particular piece of equipment, all the cost of the cost of the hourly standard of the collection, is the total cost of the process standard.

Figure 1 gives a detailed process for developing process cost standards based on the annual cost budget.

4.3 Points to Note on Process Cost Standards

(1) Ideal standardization. Process cost standards are calculated under the assumption that all equipment in an enterprise or department is at full capacity, and under-utilization is a reality. Therefore, the process cost standard in practical application should be used as a reference standard for analysis, or as a benchmark for accounting, must be supplemented by the difference between its and the actual value.

(2) the level of the total cost of enterprise characteristics. The total amount of costs used in the development of standards is artificially given in advance, and the appropriateness of the level of the total limits the usefulness of the process cost standards.

(3) The scope of standardization. The scope of the standard is a unified enterprise-wide development or the development of each department, will have an impact on the standard of the same equipment in different branches of the plant.

(4) proportional and numerical standards. The standards introduced above are numerical standards, proportional standards in practice have been applied, this paper will not be repeated here.

5, the application of cost control in the enterprise

The process cost standard method in the enterprise throughout the cost control stages of the role of Table 2.

The process cost standard as a reference system, you can compare the calculation of its difference with a certain cost, can be used for the cost of work efficiency differences and cost differences in the utilization rate of equipment. Work efficiency difference is the cost difference caused by the difference between the actual working hours of the product and the quota of working hours; equipment utilization cost difference is the cost difference caused by the inability to give full play to the capacity of the equipment. The two kinds of differences come from business operations and manufacturing, business managers can be based on the different reasons for differences in cost control, from which to find ways to reduce the level of costs.

As mentioned earlier, in the cost control before, during and after, the specific work of each stage is not the same, but each link is closely related. The role of the process cost standard is reflected in the various aspects of cost control, it is for the various stages of cost control to provide the data needed for costing, and promote the effective realization of the cost control objectives of the various stages.

6. Conclusion

The purpose of the process cost standard method is to formulate the cost of each process through which the product is processed, i.e., the cost consumed by each piece of equipment, to get the indirect cost data of the product, and then combined with the direct cost of the product such as raw material consumption, to arrive at the total cost of the product, so as to provide the required data for the various stages of the enterprise's cost control, and to promote the enterprise's cost control in an orderly manner, Efficient operation, reduce the cost of the enterprise, to achieve the purpose of enterprise cost control.