What to bring to study in Germany

1. ID card (if you take a plane or train at home, take it with you, you can't use it if you go out) and passport, passport is the most important thing, must remember to put it well.

2. A variety of original and translated notarized documents. The first thing you need to do is to get a copy of the original documents, which you can use to apply for the university. You can use the high school diploma, the university admission roster, transcripts, university graduation certificates, degree certificates, language scores, and APS materials, and if zu requires it, you need to have the other materials on your own, mainly for the purpose of enrollment. Some universities can send materials in advance to register, the school will also send Bescheinigung and semester tickets, remember to bring.

3. A series of forms from Deutsche Bank. The first is a series of forms for the Deutsche Bank to open a bank account in Germany.

4. Insurance forms. You can activate it in Germany.

5. Photo ID. The domestic make-up + PS or 1-inch or 2-inch super-beautiful photo ID to bring, must be white background. The photo will be used for registration, settlement, and many other places. Germany manual photo is very expensive, machine photo and expensive and ugly.

6. Original driver's license and notarized translation. This applies only to drivers who intend to drive in Germany within 6 months, not longer.

7. Money and bank card. First came to a lot of money place, appropriate to bring more cash, find the bank exchange time remember to ask for more change, 500 euros is very difficult to spend out. If you are worried about the safety of funds, it may be worthwhile to do a Huaxia Bank savings card, mom and dad in the country to deposit RMB into, their own in Germany can be directly out of the euro, the first one every day does not charge a fee.

8. Phone cards. In advance of the domestic buy good, otherwise to Germany no network and can not play the phone is very painful.

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Expanded Information:

Total Banned List of items

The following items are prohibited no matter which country you fly to, so do not bring them. If caught, they may be confiscated or fined.

Meat (raw or cooked) and its products

Plant seeds, vegetables, fruits, and soil;

Fire (including all types of ignition devices), such as lighters, matches, cigarette lighters, magnesium sticks (flints) are strictly prohibited for travelers to carry or check in.

Insects and other insects harmful to plants;

Wild animals and specimens;

Drugs and dangerous drugs;

Fireworks, firecrackers, smoke cakes, yellow smoke, fireworks, etc., can cause serious personal injury or endanger the safety of the aircraft of the exploding or incendiary devices (substances);

Daily knives, arms and ammunition, weapons.

Two, the list of items prohibited by the German Customs

1. All legally authorized items can be brought in and out of the country at will.

2. It is prohibited to carry narcotics.

3. It is prohibited to bring all infringing counterfeit products, all objects of archaeological value, all objects protected by rare species, as well as potatoes, cacti, soil and animal products (meat, dairy products) from non-EU countries. Even if you do not bring the goods into the country yourself, but send them to Germany by online mail-order products, you are still subject to the German Customs entry goods regulations.

4. It is prohibited to bring prohibited books, pirated books or computer software into the country.

5. Duty-free items are: items certified by Germany and sold as souvenirs or gifts; 50 grams of perfume or a quarter of a liter of eau de toilette.

1) Over 17 years old, 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco are allowed.

2) Over 17 years of age, 1 liter of wine with an alcohol content of 22% or less or 2 liters of aperitif or 2 liters of alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of 22% or less or 2 liters of liqueur are allowed.

3) Over 15 years old, 200 grams of coffee or 100 grams of tea are allowed. 2 cameras, 1 video camera, 15 rolls of negatives and 1 CD player.

Germany does not regulate the import and export of foreign currencies, gold, etc., and you can bring them in or out without declaring them, and you can also exchange them for other currencies freely in Germany without any restrictions.