What is the biological basis of consciousness?


Jianqing Xie's definitive theory tells us the mechanism by which consciousness is produced: the sample activates the thalamus to produce consciousness. First, the thalamus inherits thalamus, and the function of the thalamus is to release thalamus, which expresses meaning, and when thalamus is released, a meaning is also revealed in the brain; second, there are samples stored in the cerebral cortex, as well as the hypothalamus, the amygdala, the basal nucleus, and the cerebellum, most of them established through learning, and the main function of the brain is to analyze the samples; third, neurons linking the thalamus with other brains have a linking function. Third, the neurons that link the thalamus to the rest of the brain have a connective function, and the thalamus and the samples form a functional unity by establishing a connection through learning, and the samples can activate the thalamus to produce consciousness through the connective path.

The thalamus is the core organ that generates consciousness. The thalamus has a very special innate genetic structure, the thalamus, which contains its own meanings and can reveal them. The thalamus cannot release the thalamus at will, but must be activated by a sample, which activates the thalamus, and the thalamus is released to produce consciousness. Most of the samples are symbols of objective things in the brain, which are naturally formed and established in the process of contact with objective things and learning after birth, and are widely distributed in the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, amygdala, basal nucleus, cerebellum, and other neural structures. The thalamus is capable of distributing an infinitely wide range of meanings, and the number of samples is very large. The correspondence between the samples and the meanings that the thalamus establishes through learning is the association, and the association is a function of neurons that act throughout a person's life and are formed in tandem with the samples. After the sample of the external object is formed in the brain and connections are established, and we come into contact with the external object, the cerebral cortex analyzes it and finds the sample representing the object in the brain, and the sample activates the thalamus through the connection pathway to create awareness of the object. Thalamus, sample, and connection are the three conditions necessary to generate consciousness. Thalamus is the core of consciousness, sample is the shell of consciousness, connection is the path of activation, and activation is the way to generate consciousness.

Consciousness does not have a unified concept, and it is still the object of research that scientists diligently pursue. The concept covers a wide range of concepts, and there are different definitions in different disciplines and fields, which can be described by three words: wide, mixed, and chaotic. Xie Jianqing's thesis focuses on the mechanism of consciousness generation from a physiological point of view, which simply means that it discusses which brain organ generates consciousness and how it is generated.

The background and significance of Xie's thesis

Xie's thesis, which focuses on the biological mechanisms of consciousness, is a well-documented theoretical point of view that can be used directly as an argument. Starting from 1987, through 20 years of research, Xie Jianqing extracted and refined the essence from countless experimental research reports, physiological and anatomical data, pathological symptoms, and psychological phenomena, and after countless, repeated rounding, modification, and sublimation in long-term practical tests, he discovered and determined the thalamus's thalamic issuing function in 1997, and determined the brain's sample analyzing function according to the classical reflex theory, which is the main reason for the development of the biological mechanism of consciousness. And in 10 years of practice in the repeated verification, modification of the formation of the final conclusion.

The conclusion of Xie Jianqing is a major breakthrough in brain research, which affirms the social nature of human beings from the physiological mechanism of the brain. Determined the function of the brain, scientific interpretation of consciousness, psychology, spiritual issues, corrected the thalamus function is defined as a sensory relay station of the wrong understanding, corrected the consciousness, thinking and other functions and psychological and spiritual activities are limited to the cerebral cortex of the wrong understanding of the analysis of psychological phenomena, psychological counseling, treatment of psychiatric disorders of the misunderstanding of all sorts. Although "Psychological Principles" has not been finalized, some of the theories revealed have aroused the shock of the academic community and the great interest of the general readership, and the demand for the author to publish his theories as soon as possible has been increasing.

Xie Jianqing's definitive theory is the foundation of the psychological principles of the basic theories, psychological five principles and other theories derived from Xie Jianqing's definitive theory as the basis for the scientific explanation of the enlightenment, intelligence, cognition, memory, sensation, feelings, emotions, desires, motivation, volition, dreaming, sleepwalking, hypnosis, personality, temperament, hobbies and other psychological phenomena, as well as addictions, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, autism, hypochondria, schizophrenia, disorientation, and other mental symptoms, and has shown unparalleled correctness and accuracy in diagnosing brain diseases, correcting medical errors, and many other aspects.

Research Methods and Contents

The Psychological Principle, which mainly includes the Reflex Principle and the Discrete Principle, is a system of psychological science developed on the basis of the classical reflex theory and Xie Jianqing's definitive theory. The establishment of psychological principles completely abandoned laboratory experiments, avoiding the subjectivity, indirectness, narrowness, limitations and one-sidedness of laboratory experiments from technology, methods to conclusions, and directly contacting problems and observing the essence of the problems, and its objectivity, scientificity, systematicity, and rigor are formed in constant practice and are verified by repeated practice. Based on a large amount of psychological phenomenon analysis, neuroanatomical findings, and observation, diagnosis, and treatment of brain diseases and psychiatric disorders, combined with a variety of research materials, repeated summarization, refinement, repeated practical verification, and modification, the formation of practical knowledge, although it has been verified for 10 years, and almost perfectly illustrates a variety of common phenomena and difficult problems involving consciousness, psychology, and spirituality, the authors don't want to finalize the text yet!

Reflex Mechanisms: Reflex Mechanisms: Reflex Mechanisms is a development of the classical reflex mechanism, which is connected to Xie Jianqing's definitive theory. It describes in detail the structure and function of the brain, as well as the mechanisms of consciousness and mentality, including the activation and distribution function of the thalamus, the function of storing, activating, analyzing, and distributing the samples, and the mechanism of learning, association, and formation of the state of mind.

The principle of discrete: There is not only one independent consciousness in the brain, but multiple consciousnesses coexist, the human brain can produce judgment, evaluation, awareness, understanding, feelings, desires, emotions, somatic sensations, motor sensations and other consciousnesses, these consciousnesses are not produced by a single system, but are produced separately by a number of systems, each of which is relatively independent of each other, and all of which are capable of producing consciousness independently. The principle of separation describes the mechanism of separation of systems and provides scientific explanations for people's concerns such as self-consciousness, subconsciousness, subconsciousness, dreams, emotions, sleepwalking, and hypnosis.