Categories of medical devices (1) Class I: medical devices that are sufficient to ensure their safety and effectiveness through routine management. Such as most of the surgical instruments, stethoscope, medical X-ray film, medical X-ray protection, automatic electrophoresis, medical centrifuge, slicer, dental chair, boiling sterilizer, gauze bandage, band-aid, surgical gowns, surgical caps, masks, medical education `net collection collection of collection of urine bags.
(2) the second category: its safety, effectiveness should be controlled medical devices. Such as thermometers, sphygmomanometers, cardiac diagnostic equipment, optical endoscopy, dental comprehensive treatment instrument, medical cotton wool.
(3) the third category: implanted in the body, used to support life support, potentially dangerous to the human body, its safety, effectiveness must be strictly controlled medical devices. Such as implantable cardiac pacemakers, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripter, invasive endoscopy, ultrasound scalpel, laser surgical equipment, blood transfusion, single-use infusion sets, single-use sterile syringes, CT equipment.