The main purpose of the program is to help the students to learn more about the program and to learn how to use the program.

Computer Applications April Exam <Specialty> Computer Applications April Exam <Ben>

1. Discrete Mathematics

5. Fundamentals of Electronics Technology <III>

Computer Applications October <Specialty> Computer Applications October <Ben>

1. Advanced Language Programming 1. Data Structures

2. Microcomputer Interfacing Technology 2. Principles of Database Systems

3. Introduction to Data Structures 3.Software Engineering

4.Databases and Their Applications 4.JAVA Language Programming <I>

5.C++ Programming

Chinese April <Specialized> Chinese April <Ben>

1.Modern Chinese 1.Aesthetics

2.Writing 2. History of Ancient Literature<I>

3. Selected Works of Ancient Literature<I> 3. History of Modern Literature

4. Selected Works of Modern Literature 4. Selected Ancient Chinese Literary Theories

5. Ordinary Logic 5. Studies on the Grammar of Modern Chinese

6. Studies on Lu Xun

7. History of European and American Literature of the 20th Century

Chinese October <Specialized> Chinese October <Ben>

1.Ancient Chinese 1.Introduction to Linguistics

2.Introduction to Literature 2.History of Ancient Literature <II>

3.Selected Ancient Literature <II> 3.History of Foreign Literature

4.Selected Contemporary Literature 4. Studies in Dream of the Red Chamber

5. Selected Works of Foreign Literature

English April <Specialized> English this April <This>

1. Comprehensive English <I> 1. English Vocabulary

2. Comprehensive English <II> 2. English Translation

3. English Reading < I> 3. Selected English and American Literature

4. Introduction to English-speaking Countries 4. Selected Foreign Publications on Economic and Trade Knowledge

5. Speaking 5. Interpreting

6. Listening 6. Listening

English October <Specialized> English October <Undergraduate >

1. General English <I> 1. Advanced English

2. General English <II> 2. English Composition

3. English Reading <II> 3. Introduction to Linguistics

4. Fundamentals of English Composition 4. English Extensive Reading <III>

5. English Grammar 5. Interpretation

6. Listening

8. English Correspondence for Foreign Trade

Law April <Specialized> Law April <Ben >

1. Constitutional Law 1. Labor Law

2. Jurisprudence 2. Intellectual Property Law

3. International Law 3. Private International Law

4. Criminal Procedure Law 4. Introduction to International Economic Law<

5. Notary Lawyer System

6. Marriage and Family Law

7. Insurance Law

8. Taxation Law

Law October <Specialized> Law October <Benchmarks

1. History of Chinese Legal System 1. Contract Law

2. Introduction to Economic Law 2. Company Law

Administrative Law 3. Real Estate Law

4. Civil Law 4. Legal Documentation and Writing

5. Civil Procedure Law 5. Environmental and Resource Protection Law

6. Criminal Law 6. Financial Law

7. Bills Law

8. Foreign Legal History

Administrative Management April <Specialized> Administrative Management April & lt;Specialized>

1.Administration 1.Civil Service System

2.Modern Management 2.Contemporary Chinese Political System

3.Municipal Science 3.Introduction to Sociology

4.Introduction to Law 4.Public **** Policies

5.Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation Law

6.Introduction to Business Management

Administration October <Specialty> Administration October <Benchmark>

1.Official Document Writing and Processing 1.History of Chinese Administration

2.Managerial Psychology 2.Theory of Administrative Organizations

3.Introduction to Political Science 3.Science of Leadership

4.Methods of Social Research 4.Western Political Systems

5. Financial Management

Business Administration April <Specialization> Business Administration April <Bachelor's Degree

1. Management 1. Financial Theory and Practice

2. Risk Management 2. Business Strategy

3. October <Ben>

1.International Business Management 1.International Trade Theory and Practice

2.Production Operation and Management 2.Business Management Consulting

3.Financial Management Science

Accounting April <Specialized> Accounting April <Ben>

1.Basic Accounting 1.Financial Theory and Practice

2. Intermediate Financial Accounting 2. Asset Appraisal

Accounting October <Specialized> Accounting October <Ben>

1. Cost Accounting 1. Advanced Financial Accounting

2. Managerial Accounting 2. Financial Statement Analysis

3. Introduction to National Economy Statistics 3. Government and Institutional Accounting

4. Auditing

Marketing April <Specialized> Marketing April <Ben>

1. Market Research and Forecasting 1. Marketing Planning

2. Negotiation and Salesmanship 2. Introduction to Commodity Circulation

3. Consumer Psychology 3. Consumer Economics

4. .Marketing 4.E-Commerce

Marketing October <Specialty> Marketing October <Ben>

1.Applied Writing 1.International Marketing

2.Public **** Relations 2.International Business Negotiation

3.Advertising <I> 3.Business Accounting

4. Computer Applications in Management Systems

Human Resources April <Specialty> Human Resource Management October <Specialty>

1. Entrepreneurship Education 1. Labor Economics

2. Labor Wage Management in Enterprises 2. Introduction to Labor and Employment

3. Introduction to Social Security 3. Introduction to Economic Law

4. Human Resource Management

Labor and Social Security April (this book)

Labor and Social Security October (this book)

1. Labor Economics 1. Labor Relations

2. Public **** Management 2. Labor and Social Security Law

3. Management and Supervision of Social Insurance Fund 3. International Comparison of Social Security

Public **** *Relationships April <Specialized> Public **** Relationships April <Undergraduate>

1.Marketing 1.Public **** Relationships Cases

2.Introduction to Sociology 2.Market Research

3.Modern Management 3.Modern Business Management <I>

4.Public **** Relationships Planning 4.Innovative Theoretical Thinking Methods

Public*** Relations October <Specialized> Public*** Relations October <This>

1.Public*** Relations Writing 1.Public*** Relations Eloquence

2.Public Relations Language 2.Human Relationships

3.Public Relations Psychology 3.Modern Negotiation

4.Public Relations Etiquette 4. Crisis Communication Management

5. Advertising <II> 5. General Introduction to Modern Media

6. Introduction to Communication 6. Advertising Operation Strategies

7. Corporate Culture

The Second Class

Journalism April <Specialized> Journalism April <Ben>

1. Introduction to Journalism 1. Journalism Criticism and Writing

2. Editing 2. Study of Chinese and Foreign Journalistic Works

3. History of Chinese Journalism 3. Introduction to Radio and Television

4. Corporate Image Design

News October <Specialized> News October <Ben>


2. Radio and Television Journalism 2. History of Foreign Journalism

3. Journalism Management

Japanese April < Specialization > Japanese April < Undergraduate>

1. Basic Japanese < I> 1. Advanced Japanese < I>

2. Japanese Reading <. Japanese Writing

3. Business Japanese 3. Selected Japanese Literature

4. Japanese Grammar

5. Japanese Listening and Speaking

Japanese Language October <Specialized> Japanese Language October <Ben >


2. Japanese Reading <II> 2. Japanese Translation

3. Fundamentals of Japanese Writing 3. Japanese Syntax and Chapter Methods

4. Overview of the Country of Japan

5. Listening and Speaking in Japanese

Nursing April <Ben> Nursing October <Ben>

1. Introduction to Nursing 1. Introduction to Nursing Education

2. Internal Medicine Nursing <II> 2. Nursing Research

3. Preventive Medicine <II> 3. Nursing Administration

4. Community Nursing 4. Mental Retardation Nursing

5. Emergency Nursing 5. Surgical Nursing <II>

6. Pediatrics Nursing<II>

7. Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing<II>

8. Health Insurance

International Trade April<Specialty> International Trade April<Ben>

1. Writing

3.International Technical Trade 3.International Economic Cooperation

4.WTO and International Economic and Trade Practices

5.ERP<Enterprise Information System>


International Trade October<Specialized> International Trade October<Ben>

1. International Finance 1.International Marketing

2.International Trade Practice 2.International Economics

3.Basic English 3.International Transportation and Insurance

4.China's Foreign Trade 4.Billing, Settlement and Customs Clearance Practice

E-Commerce April <Specialized> E-Commerce April <Ben>

1.Marketing Informatics 1.E-Commerce and Finance

2.Internet Software Development and Application 2.Internet Marketing and Planning

3.Web Page Design and Production 3.Internet Databases

4.E-Commerce Case Study 4.Management Information System

5.Business Communication

6.Economics <II>

E-Commerce October <Specialized> E-Commerce October <Ben>

1. Fundamentals of Computer and Networking Technology 1. Introduction to E-Commerce Security

2. E-Commerce English 2. E-Commerce and Modern Logistics

3. Introduction to E-Commerce 3. E-Commerce Website Design Principles

4. International Trade Practice<III> 4.Network Economy and Business Management

5.Marketing<III> 5.Business Law<II>

Food and Beverage Management April<Specialty> Food and Beverage Management April<Ben>

1.Food and Beverage Management and Practice 1.Food and Beverage Enterprise Strategic Management

2. Catering Market and Marketing 2. Information Management for Catering Enterprises

3. Modern Kitchen and Management 3. Financial Management for Catering Enterprises

4. Food Hygiene and Safety 4. Human Resource Management for Catering Enterprises

5. Knowledge of Wine and Liquor 5. Introduction to Catering Economics

6. Culinary Ingredients <II> 6. Food Nutrition

7. Banquet Design

Food and Beverage Management October <Specialty> Food and Beverage Management October <Ben>

1. Food and Beverage Regulations 1. Food and Beverage Aesthetics

2. Financial Management April<Ben> Financial Management October<Ben>

1.Accounting for Financial Enterprises 1.Financial Law

2.International Investment 2.Financial Markets

3.Corporate Finance 3.Financial Measurement Analysis

4.Case Study of Listed Companies 4.Financial Risk Control and Management

Business Management April<Ben> Business Management October<Ben>

1.International Business Management 1.Introduction to Business Ethics

2.Strategic Management Tutorial 2.Government Policy and Economics

3.Organizational Behavior<II> 3.International Marketing<II>

Advertising April<Ben> Advertising October<Ben>

1. History of Chinese and Foreign Advertising 1. Radio and Television Advertising

2. Market Research and Statistics 2. Laws and Regulations of Advertising

3. Planning and Creativity of Advertising

4. Advertising Media Practice

5. Advertising Design Practice

Secretarial Science April<this> Secretarial Studies October<this>

1. History of Chinese Secretarial 1. Organ Management

2. Clerical Science 2. History of Development of Chinese Official Documents

3. Selected Official Documents 3. Introduction to Secretarial Staff Functions

4. Comparison of Secretaries in China and Abroad

5. Modern Enterprise System

6. Secretarial Culture

7. Essay

Third Category

Business Management April Business Management October

1. Fundamentals of Management 1. Fundamentals of Accounting

2. Fundamentals of Statistics 2. Fundamentals of Economics

3. Introduction to Economic Law 3. Management

5. Production Management 5. Kumon Writing and Processing

6. Marketing

7. Entrepreneurship Education

Finance and Accounting April Finance and Accounting October

1. Financial Accounting 1. Cost Accounting

2. Financial Analysis

3. Management Accounting

Electromechanical April Electromechanical October

1.Advanced Mathematics 1.Fundamentals of Mechanical Design

2.Agricultural Machinery 2.Mechanical Drawing and Tolerance

3.Fundamentals of Mechanical Manufacturing 3.Agricultural Machinery Utilization and Management

4.Electrical Control Technology 4.Electro-mechanics and Electronics Technology

5.Automatic Testing Technology 5.Rural Power Supply

6. .Electrical Machinery and Electrical Appliances Maintenance

Secretary April Secretary October

1.Foundation of Management 1.Foundation of Modern Chinese Language

2.Foundation of Ancient Chinese Literature 2.Foundation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

3.Entrepreneurship Education 3.Writing and Handling of Official Documents

4.Introduction to Secretarial Studies 4.Secretaryial Practices

Category IV

Logistics Management April (Specialized) Logistics Management April (Undergraduate)

1. Fundamentals of Logistics 1. Logistics Business Management

2. Logistics Information Technology 2. Supply Chain Management

3. Mathematics for Logistics 3. Purchasing and Supply Management (II)

4. Accounting for Logistics Enterprises 4. Logistics Cases and Practice (II)

5. Warehouse Management (II)

6. Transportation Management (II)

7. Inventory Management (II)

8. Operation of Logistics Management Software

Logistics Management October (Specialized)

1. English for Logistics 1. Financial Management of Logistics Enterprise

2. Supply Management April (Specialized) Purchasing and Supply Management April (This)

1. International Logistics 1. Purchasing and Supply Negotiation

2. Purchasing Principles and Strategies 2. Purchasing Environment

3. Analysis of Purchasing Environment and Supply Market 3. Purchasing and Supply Relationship Management

4. Purchasing Process and Contract Management 4. Purchasing Legal Affairs and Contract Management

6. Purchasing Negotiation and Supplier Selection 6. Purchasing Tactics and Operations

7. Business Organizations and Processes

Procurement and Supply Management October (Specialized) Procurement and Supply Management October (This Month)

1. English for Logistics 1. Purchasing and Supply Chain Cases

2. 2. Human Resource Management (I) 2. Procurement Project Management

3. Operations Management

Mechatronics April (Specialized) Mechatronics April (Ben)

1. Mechanical Drawing (I) 1. Modern Design Methods

2. Fundamentals of Mechanical Design (II) 2. Analog-Digital and Power Electronics Technology

3. Principles and Interface Technology 3. Computer Software Fundamentals I

4. Electronics Fundamentals I 4. Mechatronics System Design

Mechatronics October (Specialized) Mechatronics October (Benchmark)

1. Engineering Mechanics I 1. Engineering Economics

2. CNC Technology and Applications 2. Sensor and Inspection Technology

<3. p>3. Mechanical Manufacturing 3. Mechanical Engineering Control Fundamentals

4. Fundamentals of Electrotechnology 4. Industrial Microcomputers

5. Principles and Applications of Programmable Controllers

6. Automatic Control Systems and Applications

Architectural Engineering April (Specialized) Architectural Engineering April (Benchmark)

1. Civil Engineering Drawing 1. Computer Fundamentals Computer Fundamentals and Programming

2. Construction Materials 2. Engineering Geology and Soil Mechanics

3. Engineering Mechanics 2. Structural Mechanics 2

4. Structural Mechanics 1. Steel Structures

Architectural Engineering October (Specialized) Architectural Engineering October (Basic)

1. Construction Quantification and Budgeting 1. Design of Concrete Structures

2. p>

2. Engineering Surveying 2. Construction Equipment

3. Building Architecture 3. Construction Economics and Business Management

4. Concrete and Masonry Structures 4. Structural Testing of Building Structures

5. Geotechnical Engineering and Foundation 5. Introduction to Civil Engineering

6. Building Construction

6. Fluid Dynamics