The main features of HoloLens are

Microsoft HoloLens 2 is Microsoft's first holographic head-mounted mixed reality device that can run Windows. It is cable-free, ergonomically designed for comfortable wear, and features enterprise-grade apps with advanced industry solutions. It overlays digital images on top of the real world by rendering high-definition holograms. When the user interacts with it, it reacts accordingly like a real object, synchronizing the interaction with a sense of immersion.

HoloLens 2 is able to see and walk with the user and execute the user's voice commands by pairing a software solution with a hardware device that frees up the hands:

On the hardware side, HoloLens 2 is equipped with transparent holographic waveguide lenses optimized for 3D displays based on eye position, 4 visible light cameras for head and eye tracking and 2 infrared cameras for head and eye tracking; HoloLens 2 is able to track eye movements in real time, and is equipped with a fully articulated model for both hands, allowing direct manipulation of both hands; the system-on-chip uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon 850 computing platform with a 2nd generation custom holographic processor for stable and fast computation and connectivity to the device.

In terms of software, HoloLens 2 comes with Windows Holographic operating system, Microsoft Edge, Dynamics 365 Remote Assist, Dynamics 365 Guides and 3D Viewer to help users to realize collaborative work anytime, anywhere, and to improve users' accuracy and output.

HoloLens 2 features a number of key design upgrades, including a wider field of view, natural interactions, and complete freedom of movement without cables. With HoloLens 2, users will be able to improve organizational productivity, learn and collaborate quickly, avoid risks, solve problems, and improve learning and work outcomes across a wide range of industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, engineering, and education.

Visit the Microsoft Store to learn more about HoloLens 2 and how to use it.