What are the after-effects of laser myopia surgery?

Laser myopia surgery is a common treatment for myopia, however, there are some potential after-effects that may occur after the surgery. Here, we will introduce you to some of the common after-effects so that you can have a thorough understanding.

1. Dry eye: Postoperative dry eye is one of the most common sequelae. During the surgery, the laser may affect the nerves of the cornea, causing the eyes to produce fewer tears. Dry eye may result in discomfort such as dry eyes, pain, blurred vision and eye fatigue. Most dry eye symptoms will subside within a few months after surgery, but certain patients may require eye drops and moisturizers for an extended period of time.

2. Halos and asterism: Some patients may see halos or asterism in dark environments after surgery. This usually improves within a few months after surgery, but may last longer for some patients. This is due to the shape of the cornea changing during surgery.

3. Regression of vision: Although most patients experience a significant improvement in vision with laser myopia surgery, in a few cases, vision may regress for some time after surgery. This can be caused by changes in the condition of the cornea produced by the eye during the healing process, so it is important to have regular reviews and follow your doctor's advice.

4. Blurred or double vision: In some cases, patients may experience blurred or double vision after surgery. This may be caused by changes in the shape of the cornea after surgery, or it may be due to the fact that the surgery has not fully corrected the vision problem. Regular follow-ups and close communication with the surgeon can help identify and resolve such problems in a timely manner.

It is important to note that these after-effects are mild and temporary in most patients and rarely have a significant impact on normal life. Most postoperative patients are able to enjoy significant vision improvement and freedom from glasses or contact lens dependence.

However, the risk of postoperative complications and sequelae varies from individual to individual and may be influenced by a variety of factors, such as surgical technique, ocular health, and individual physiology. Therefore, it is important to have an in-depth discussion and assessment with a team of specialized doctors before deciding whether or not to undergo laser myopia surgery. Your doctor will provide you with the appropriate advice and treatment plan based on your individual situation and needs.

In summary, there may be some after-effects of laser myopia surgery, such as dry eye, halos and asterism, regression of vision, and difficulty seeing or double vision. Although these aftereffects are usually temporary, we still recommend that you have a detailed consultation and discussion with a team of specialized doctors to fully understand the risks and effects of the procedure. Please feel free to contact our team of doctors if you have any additional questions or need further assistance. We wish you the best of luck with your healthy and bright eyes!