How many types of transformers are there? How many years to scrap, the longest count life how much?
Transformers have a variety of categorization methods, in accordance with the convenience of your dismantling and recycling. Can be divided into electronic transformers and power transformers. Electronic transformers are transformers in electronic circuits, smaller in size and widely tested. Power transformers are transformers in the power system. According to the capacity is divided into extra large, large, small and medium-sized. Generally extra-large large transformers are expensive, bulky, long life (about 30 years) will not be easily scrapped, the recovery cost is very high. With the improvement of the production level of small and medium-sized transformer quality has improved dramatically, there are a lot of maintenance-free life expectancy of about 30 years of small and medium-sized transformers. When with energy saving and consumption reduction is increasingly emphasized, running in the power system in the old transformer because of its loss of reliability and other reasons, may be early exit from the power grid. There is still a great prospect for their recovery.