The pulse measurement is a direct reflection of the heart rate. When you exercise, your heart rate increases with the amount of exercise you do, but to what extent is it effective and beneficial to your health? If the amount of exercise is too large, more than the human body's ability to withstand, will damage the health; if the amount of exercise is small, and can not achieve the effect of exercise.
General exercise heart rate using the formula "180 - age = □□ times / min" (optimal exercise heart rate) to scientifically control the size of your own exercise, this method is also confirmed by the sports science community as the most effective, the most scientific means.
For example, if you are 62 years old, your maximum heart rate (i.e., the highest pulse rate) should be within 180-62=118 beats per minute.
2.\\"Base pulse\" measurement, the pulse is measured at the time of waking up every morning, in a quiet and comfortable state, so it is also known as "quiet pulse\". It will help you understand how your body is changing after a period of fitness and to check whether the amount of exercise is appropriate for that period of time.
If the daily \"basal pulse\" remains unchanged, it means that the response is normal and the amount of exercise is moderate;
If it increases significantly, or even the number of times per minute increases by more than 10, it means that the amount of exercise is too large, and the amount of exercise should be reduced in a timely manner;
If the \"basal pulse\" slows down, it means that the cardiac function is strengthened, and the output of the heart is increased, and the heart's compensatory capacity is strengthened;
If the "basal pulse\" slows down, it means that the cardiac function is strengthened, and the output of the heart increases.
If it is too slow, less than 50 beats per minute, and there are symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue, you should go to the hospital for examination to prevent the occurrence of bradyarrhythmia.
Coronary artery disease patients due to coronary artery stenosis, excessive exercise may induce myocardial infarction, heart failure, but patients with coronary artery disease are discharged from the hospital prescription will be written to the appropriate exercise, but the doctor never told how to exercise.