What are those things that require an EIA? What are the types of EIA?

Detail of the categories included in the EIA report: Categories of EIA report Scope

Chemical Petrochemicals and Pharmaceuticals The production, processing and manufacturing of basic chemical raw materials, fertilizers, pesticides, organic chemicals, synthetic materials, photographic materials, daily-use chemicals and special chemicals; - Processing and manufacturing of man-made oils, crude oils, petroleum products, and coke (including gas). projects; - manufacturing and processing of various chemical drugs, chemical preparations, Chinese herbal medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines, animal medicines, biological products, etc.; - high-tech projects such as the promotion and application of genetically modified technology and the introduction of species

Building materials, thermal power, cement, glass, ceramics, lime, masonry, asbestos, etc., and other industrial and civil construction materials manufacturing and processing projects. Civil building materials manufacturing and processing projects; - Various thermal power, desulphurization projects, steam, hot water production, waste power generation and other projects

Light industry textile and chemical fibers Various chemical fibers, cotton, wool, silk, silk and other manufacturing as well as apparel, shoes and hats, leather, fur, down and its products and the production of production, processing and other projects; -Food, beverages, alcohol, tobacco, paper and paper products, printing industry, man-made boards, and other high-tech projects. paper products, printing industry, artificial board, furniture, recording media manufacturing and processing projects

Metallurgy electromechanical General machinery, metalworking machinery, general equipment, bearings and valves, general-purpose parts and components, castings and forgings, electromechanical, petrochemical, textile and other special equipment, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery water conservancy machinery, medical machinery, transportation equipment, aviation and spacecraft, weapons and ammunition, electrical machinery and equipment, electronics and Communication equipment, instruments and cultural office machinery, household appliances and metal products manufacturing, processing and repair projects; - Shipbreaking, electrical dismantling, electroplating, surface treatment of metal products and other projects; - Electronic processing projects; - Ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, precious metals, rare metals, smelting and rolling processing projects. Smelting and calendering of ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, precious metals, rare metals

Transportation Railways, highways, subways, urban transportation, bridges, tunnels, ports, terminals, waterways, water transport hubs, fiber optic cables, and other projects; - pipelines, pipelines, warehousing, construction and related engineering projects; - a variety of civil and military airports and their related engineering projects

Offshore engineering projects Submarine pipelines, submarine cable laying, offshore oil exploration and development projects

Power transmission, transformation and radio communications, nuclear industry Mobile communications, radio paging and other telecommunications, radar and telecommunications projects; - Transmission and transformation projects and power supply projects; - Post and telecommunications, radio, film, television and other projects nuclear facilities, nuclear technology applications projects; - Associated with radioactive mineral resources development and utilization, radioactive mineral resources development and utilization, and tidal power generation projects

Extractive industries Geological exploration, open-pit mining, coal, oil and natural gas, metal and non-metallic minerals, salt mines, etc. Development and utilization of radioactive mineral resources, radioactive natural uranium, thorium associated with the mining, processing and utilization of minerals and the treatment and storage of waste residues, and other projects

Social regional categories Real estate, parking lots, sewage treatment plants, municipal solid waste treatment (disposal), imported waste dismantling, water production and supply, gardening, landscaping, and other urban construction and comprehensive remediation projects;- Health, sports, culture, education, tourism, entertainment, commerce, catering, social welfare, social service facilities, exhibition halls, museums, playgrounds and other projects; - Watershed development, coastal zone development, land enclosure, land reclamation; development zones construction, construction of new areas of the city and the reconstruction of the old areas of the regional development of the project

Basically, these are all