Second, the operating room purification return air system needs to be installed back to the air outlet, filtering primary effect, intermediate effect return air box.
Third, because the medical personnel and medical equipment into the medical purification clean room must be thoroughly purified, so it must also be set up to install the air shower room, cargo shower room, transfer window.
Fourth, into the operating room before the purification also need to set up a buffer zone, buffer zone room door need to be installed with electronic interlocking, changing should also be placed in a clean locker, air freshener.
Fifth, in the operating room purification of local areas also need to be installed to achieve a cleanliness of 100 to 10,000 levels of vertical laminar flow bench, laminar flow hood (FFU), clean shed (removable purification shed), self-cleaning, and so on.
1, purified operating room operating environment clean, spacious
(1) the operating environment should be clean, spacious, regular disinfection;
(2) the operating table is clean, dry, flat, the layout of the items is reasonable;
(3) aseptic operation half an hour before the work should be stopped to avoid dust flying.
2, the staff instrumentation in line with the norms of aseptic operation before the staff should wear a good hat and mask, trimming nails and wash hands, if necessary, wear aseptic clothing, wear aseptic gloves.
3, clear basic concepts of purification of the operating room, aseptic operation, should first declare the concept of sterile area, non-sterile area, sterile goods.
4, purified operating room items placed in an orderly manner, the sign is obvious
(1) sterile items need to be placed separately from non-sterile items, and there are obvious signs.
(2) sterile goods can not be exposed to the air, should be stored in sterile containers.
(3) The appearance of the sterile package needs to indicate the name of the item, the date of sterilization, and according to the expiration date of the successive order of placement.
(4) the expiration date of the sterile pack is 7 days, expired or moisture should be re-sterilized.
(5) A set of sterile items is used only once by a patient.
5, purified operating room operation in the concept of asepsis
(1) purified operating room aseptic operation, the operator's body should be kept at a certain distance from the sterile to go;
(2) when picking up and placing the sterile items, it should be oriented to the sterile area;
(3) when picking up and using the sterile items, it should be used to use the sterile holding forceps;
(4) the arm should be kept at the waist or above the treatment table surface, not to cross the sterile area, and not to touch the sterile items;
(5) Non-sterile items should be kept away from the sterile area, and once the sterile items are removed, they should not be put back into the sterile container, even if they have not been used.
(6) If sterile items are suspected of being contaminated or have been contaminated, they should be replaced and re-sterilized.