What does discount mean in layman's terms? A brief introduction to the term

What does "discount" mean?

"Discount" is "discount interest" for short, refers to the holder of the bill of exchange to the bank to apply for the discounted amount of interest paid to the bank discount.

Calculation of discount:

Discounted interest = discounted amount × discounted days × daily discount rate

Daily discount rate = monthly discount rate ÷ 30

Actual payment amount = coupon amount - discounted interest

Discounted interest is divided into three kinds of discounted housing, discounted loans, discounted deposits.

Housing discount: the full name of the "individual housing loan policy interest business", commercial banks to issue loans, the amount of discount is based on the amount of loans that can enjoy the subsidized interest rate, with the interest rate of the provident fund loan interest rates and commercial bank loan interest rates calculated interest difference, this part of the difference by the Housing Provident Fund Management Center to pay the individual

Loan subsidy: The subsidized loan is the cooperation between the CPF management center and the relevant commercial banks, the commercial personal housing loans issued by the commercial banks, any borrower who meets the conditions of the management center's subsidized interest rate, by the management center according to the borrower can apply for the amount of subsidized interest rate, according to the interest difference between the commercial personal housing loans and the housing provident fund loans;

Deposit subsidy: It is the negative deposit interest deducted according to the discount rate, for example, you have a three months after the maturity of the promissory note or term deposit certificate, and you now need to use the cash, if you use it to exchange cash with, the person who accepts him is the loss of three months of interest, you need to be in the cash to you in the loss of interest to be deducted, the interest deducted is the interest on deposits discount.

What is the discount?

What does discounted interest mean?

Subsidized interest generally refers to the financial subsidy, is the interest in the bank loan, the borrower is responsible for the return of part of the interest, the other part of the interest by the financial responsibility to subsidize the bank, this part of the subsidized interest is called subsidized interest.

What does subsidized interest mean and what is a subsidized loan?

Discounting is the act of turning a forward payment into a current payment. For example, you have a three months after the maturity of the promissory note ** or term deposit, and you now need to use the cash, then, you can use it for cash with, but the person who accepts him to lose three months of interest, then in the cash given to you in the loss of interest is deducted, then, this you pay the negative interest on deposits, is discounting needs to be borne by negative interest (which is also equivalent to) "Loan interest", but the civil exchange does not have the concept of "loan", so I expressed it as "negative deposit interest"), called " Subsidized interest". Subsidized loans is a personal housing guaranteed loan policy interest business (hereinafter referred to as subsidized interest) refers to the housing fund management center in cooperation with the relevant commercial banks, commercial banks issued by the commercial personal housing loans, where the center meets the conditions of subsidized interest borrowers, according to the center of the borrower can apply for subsidized interest amount to give interest subsidies. All procedures related to the subsidized interest business are entrusted to the commercial banks or their commissioned law firms to handle on behalf of the borrowers do not need to apply to the loan center on their own.

What does "subsidized interest" mean?

What is discounting and interest discounting? What does discounting mean? The holder of a note transfers the note to a bank for cash before the maturity of the note by posting a certain interest rate. A form of bank lending. Discounting for the note holder is to give the note, early recovery of money advanced in commercial credit; discounting company or bank is to provide bank credit to the note holder. The bank sets a discount rate based on the market interest rate and the creditworthiness of the note, and calculates the discount interest from the discount date to the maturity date of the note. Discounted interest = face value of the note x discount rate x maturity period of the note. After paying the discount interest, the bearer can obtain cash from the bank equal to the balance of the face amount minus the discount interest, and the ownership of the note is vested in the bank. At the maturity of the note, the bank cashes out the cash from the drawer on the basis of the note, and if payment is refused, the bank may demand payment from the endorser. Discounting of bills can be divided into discounting and rediscounting two kinds of different levels, commercial banks to industrial and commercial enterprises of the bill discounting business is called discounting, the central bank has been discounted to commercial banks of the non-maturity of industrial and commercial enterprises bill discounting again, called rediscounting or re-discounting. Discount rate is subject to changes in the supply and demand of market funds and spontaneous formation, rediscount rate is stipulated by the central bank. Discounting of bills is equivalent to the short-term lending provided by the discounting company to the holders of outstanding bills. The interest rate charged by the discount house is also known as the discount rate and the interest rate is known as the discount rate. Discount is the negative interest on deposits deducted from the discount rate! The term "net of discount" is inaccurate, it should only be said "net of discount". Discounting is the act of turning a forward payment into a current payment. For example, you have a three months after the maturity of the promissory note or certificate of deposit, and you now need to use the cash, then, you can use it for cash, but the person who accepted his loss of three months of interest, then in the cash to you in the loss of interest deducted, then, this you pay the negative interest on deposits, that is, discounting needs to bear a negative interest (which is the equivalent of) "Loan interest", but the civil exchange does not have the concept of "loan", so I expressed it as "negative deposit interest"), called " Sticker interest". The quotation probably means, for example, next year's futures in January, each piece is 32 dollars, if you pay now, it will be settled in accordance with the 31.4 dollars, this is to take into account the loss of interest on early payment. Interest-bearing commercial bills of exchange discount accounting I. Information: In April 1999, Company A obtained the field of Company B issued a commercial promissory note, the face amount of the bill of exchange for 100,000 yuan, the date of issue for April 3, July 3 maturity, coupon interest rate of 9%. Company A, due to cash flow difficulties, will submit the bill of exchange to the bank on May 27 for discounting, with a discount rate of 7.2%. At the maturity of the bill of exchange, due to the insufficient balance of Company B's bank deposit account, it is unable to pay, and the bank will convert the principal and interest of the commercial bill of exchange into short-term loans for Company A. Requirements: Calculate the maturity value of the commercial promissory note, discount interest and net discounted value, and prepare the corresponding accounting entries. Answer: 1. calculate the maturity value of the commercial paper 100000 × (1 + 9% ÷ 12 × 3) = 102,250 (yuan) 2. calculate the discount interest on the commercial paper Discounting days 40 days (5 days in May, 30 days in June, 2 days in July, plus 3 days of the payment period) 102,250 × 7.2% ÷ 360 × 40 = 818 (yuan) 3. calculate the net discounted value of the commercial paper Net discounted value of commercial promissory note 102250-818 = 101432 (yuan) 4. Accounting (1) Company A holds the note and discounts it to the bank Borrow: Bank Deposit 101432 Loan: Bills Receivable 100000 Finance Costs 1432 (2) Company B fails to encash the note at maturity, and the bank transfers the note to borrowing from Company A Borrow: Accounts Receivable - Company B 102250 Loan: Accounts Receivable - Company B 102250 Loan: Accounts Receivable - Company B 102250 Loan: Accounts Receivable - Company B 102250 Loan: Short-term Borrowing 102250 1. "Discounting" refers to the fact that the holder of the note sends the outstanding note to the bank after endorsement, and the bank accepts it and then deducts the discounted interest calculated at the bank's discount rate from the maturity value of the note and pays the remaining balance to the holder as the bank's interest rate. The balance is then paid to the bearer as a short-term loan from the bank to the enterprise. Discounting bills is essentially a form of enterprise financing. 2. The number of days of discounting can be calculated according to the actual number of days, or according to the whole month of the day. Calculated by the actual number of days, according to the 360-day discount interest rate; the whole month by day, according to the 12-month discount interest rate. When calculating the actual number of days, the number of days is calculated in accordance with the principle of "counting the first and not the last", and if the acceptor is in a different place, it should also be added with a 3-day payment period. 3. Interest-bearing commercial promissory notes ......

What is the meaning of discount

"Discount" is "discount interest" for short, also known as "discount". Discount interest (Discount Charges) refers to the bill of exchange holder to the bank to apply for discounted face amount paid to the bank of the discount interest; paid discounted amount refers to the amount of the bill of exchange (i.e., the amount of discount) minus the net amount of discount interest payable, that is, the bill of exchange holders to handle the discounted amount of the actual amount of money received. According to the regulations, the discount interest shall be calculated and obtained based on the discounted amount, the number of days of discounting (the number of days from the date of payment of the discounted bill by the bank to the discounting unit to the day before the maturity date of the bill of exchange) and the discount rate.

Editing the Calculation of Discount Interest

Discount Interest = Discounted Amount × Discount Days × Daily Discount Rate Daily Discount Rate = Monthly Discount Rate ÷ 30 Actual Payment Amount = Coupon Amount - Discount Interest Where the acceptor is in a different location, the period of discount, rediscount and rediscount as well as the calculation of the discount interest shall be subject to an additional 3 days of transfer time. Loan discount refers to the micro-guaranteed loans used for micro-profit projects by the municipal finance, according to the facts of the full amount of the discount, the borrower's own loan period does not pay the interest, the discount up to two years, the rollover is not subsidized Housing discount The full name of the discount is "personal housing loan policy discount business". If you are a contributor to the Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center system and meet the conditions for a CPF loan, you can apply for a subsidized interest rate, and the amount of the subsidized interest rate is based on your monthly CPF contribution. When a commercial bank grants you a loan, the subsidized interest amount is based on the loan amount that you can enjoy the subsidized interest, and the difference between the interest rate of the CPF loan and the interest rate of the commercial bank loan is calculated, and this part of the difference is paid by the Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center to you personally. The interest subsidy is a powerful supplement to the CPF loan, so not all projects can apply for the subsidy. Please check with the developer to see if you can apply for the subsidized interest rate for a particular housing project. There are a number of benefits for borrowers who choose to apply for the discounted interest rate. Firstly, all loan procedures are handled by a lawyer, so you can avoid running around between the CPF Management Center, appraisal firms, guarantee centers and lending banks; secondly, the discounted interest rate service does not require the appraisal of the collateral, which saves you money; and thirdly, the discounted interest rate service is guaranteed by the Beijing Municipal Housing Loan Guarantee Center, which provides a guarantee to borrowers of the discounted interest rate service. Thirdly, the subsidized interest business is guaranteed by Beijing Housing Loan Guarantee Center, which has purchased insurance for the borrowers of the subsidized interest business with the contents of property damage insurance and personal accident injury insurance, so as to protect your interests in all aspects; fourthly, the subsidized interest business is essentially a commercial loan, and the speed of disbursement is as fast as that of the commercial loan, and you can enjoy the exclusive discounts of the subsidized interest business when you pay for the house.

What does discounted interest mean

Discounted interest, or discounted interest, is the interest paid by the holder of a bill of exchange to the bank when the holder applies to the bank for a discounted denomination. Discounted interest should be based on the discounted amount, the number of days of discounting and the discount rate calculated to obtain, the formula is: discounted interest = discounted amount × discounted days × daily discount rate.

It should be noted that the discounted interest may also refer to discounted loans in the interest subsidized by the state or the bank, depending on the circumstances of its different dialectical understanding of its specific meaning.

What does subsidized interest mean?

Interpretation of subsidized interest:

1. Interest is paid when a promissory note is exchanged for cash.

2. The interest paid when a promissory note is exchanged for cash.


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Detailed Explanation

Interest is paid when a promissory note is exchanged for cash. It also refers to the interest paid when a promissory note is exchanged for cash.

Sentence Making

1.The government supports dying companies by subsidizing loans, planning such as cash-for-cars, or providing public **** construction work.

2.The bank's view on stabilizing the consumer car market is: "Manufacturers should think more about subsidizing interest rates."

3. According to the New York Times, the use of subsidized loans and free land from the government is the "takeover" of this exciting new growth industry by our corporations.

4. Preferential interest rate: Preferential interest rate, and subsidized by the county disability association.

5. One of the measures is to give dairy processing enterprises loan subsidies.