What is the abbreviation for the unit kv?

KV means a unit of voltage. Voltage is a scalar quantity. It does not follow the algorithm of a vector. Voltagevoltage, also known as potential difference or potential difference, is a physical quantity that measures the difference in energy of a unit charge in an electrostatic field due to differences in potential. The international system of units of voltage is volt V, short for volt, commonly used units are millivolt mV, microvolt μV, kilovolt kV and so on.

kv role

kV in the power system is used to express the voltage of a common unit. The basic unit of voltage is the volt expressed as "V". Due to the continuous development of the power system, the level of the system voltage is constantly increasing, commonly used 380V, 6000V, 10000V, 66000V, 110,000V, 220,000V, 500,000V and so on.

With V as the unit of writing is difficult, the calculation is also troublesome, so the voltage in the power system is often expressed in kV, so that the writing is much more concise, such as: 6 kV, 10 kV, 66 kV, 110 kV, 220 kV, 500 kV. electric power is calculated in kW or MW, the voltage is directly with the kV, the calculation is also very convenient.