Color code RAL 7032 is what gray

RAL 7032 color code is belongs to RAL Classic series color, RAL7032 is pebble gray (off-white), RAL 7032 RGB value is (180,176,161).

RAL 7032 can be found in the "German RAL K7 RAL color card with 213 international standard colors new version", "German RAL K5 RAL color card glossy with 213 RAL classic series colors fan color card", "German RAL K5 RAL color card glossy with 213 RAL classic series colors fan color card", "German RAL K5 RAL color card glossy with 213 RAL classic series colors fan color card". Find the corresponding color on the "RAL K5 Laur Color Card Semi-matte with 213 Laur Classic colors fan swatch".

Expanded information:

< p>When RAL ventured into color, it created a unified language that established standard statistics and nomenclature for a rich variety of colors that are widely understood and applied worldwide. The 4-digit RAL colors have been used as color standards for 70 years and have grown to over 200 to date.

The basic RAL-840HR color swatches for non-glossy colors and the 841-GL for glossy colors meet a wide range of applications and have been used by many important companies and research institutes. The RAL-840HR and RAL-841GL color registrations are used as color swatches for design applications. The RAL-840HR and RAL-841GL color registrations are used as color swatches in designs, and they also include safety and signal colors in accordance with DIN and ISO color requirements.

Baidu Encyclopedia - RAL

Baidu Encyclopedia - Color Scale