What are the benefits of negative ions to the body?

(1) Improve lung function, improve the cleaning efficiency of the respiratory system villi After inhaling negative oxygen ions for 30min, the lungs can absorb 20% more oxygen and discharge 14.5% more carbon dioxide, thus reducing the pain of asthma patients.

(2) enhance human immunity can change the body's reactivity, activate the function of the reticuloendothelial system, increase the body's ability to resist disease, negative ions can improve the body's ability to detoxify hormone imbalance normalization, and can eliminate the human body due to the adverse reactions caused by excessive histamine, to avoid allergic reactions and "hay fever". "The company's products have been used in a variety of industries, including

(3) negative air ions have a significant role in lowering blood pressure can improve myocardial function, increase myocardial nutrition, so that the peripheral capillary expansion, skin temperature rise; also can make the blood white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets to increase the slowing of blood flow, the increase in globulin, the pH value rises, the blood coagulation time is shortened, the blood viscosity increases. Negative air ions on the white blood cell lowering patients have obvious therapeutic effect for the II stage hypertension, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, angina pectoris, vertigo, migraine, neurasthenia, ulcer disease, diabetes mellitus, anemia, burns, atrophic rhinitis, upper respiratory tract infections, and other diseases have a certain degree of efficacy.

(4) can reduce blood pressure, enhance myocardial function, improve sleep, and promote human metabolism There is a high activity, a strong redox effect, can destroy the bacterial cell membrane or cell protoplasmic activity of enzyme activity, so as to achieve the purpose of antibacterial sterilization. And has obvious analgesic effect.

(5) Negative oxygen ions can stimulate the human epithelial regeneration, promote wound healing, improve immunity Because it and the dust in the air, viruses, bacteria, etc. have extraordinary combining ability, so it can remove dust, sterilization, disease prevention, disinfection and purification of air.

(6) make a person's spirit, imagination, and enhance alertness For high labor intensity, physical exertion of people, such as athletes, etc., the use of negative oxygen ions can quickly eliminate fatigue, improve work efficiency; for those who are engaged in error prone to work, such as typists, operators, financial operators, accountants, etc., the use of negative oxygen ions in the air, can make a person's mind awake, happy, thus reducing the work error. Reduce work errors. In sports medicine, negative oxygen ions have become a means of eliminating fatigue and restoring physical strength, and are used to help athletes who are physically exhausted to eliminate fatigue more quickly.

(7)Negative oxygen ions on the elderly sleep, mental mood, etc. have benefits, can prevent and control some of the diseases of old age, and thus can slow down the aging, prolong life October 1991, in the international natural medicine 13th meeting, Morishita Keiichi made a report on the inspection of the Bama County, Guangxi, the total population of 224,000 people in the county, more than 66 people over 100 years of age: the rate of 100 years old is 30.8/100,000 people. The meeting recognized Bama, Guangxi, as the world's fifth-longest-lived town, with many factors contributing to longevity. Among the natural factors, the concentration of negative oxygen ions in the air in the region is as high as thousands per square centimeter, and in the stream valley and riverside areas, it can reach more than 20,000, especially after a sudden rainfall, the negative oxygen ion content in the air is higher.

At present, there have been a number of negative ion generating products. With the continuous research and development of technology, produced more advanced products, such as Sen Peptide base negative ion generator has two major patented technology, to overcome the other products have ozone and other magazines to produce, the role of a small range, the concentration of up to the role of the standard and other defects.

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