Till now, satellite cloud charts, weather forecasts, and medical equipment technology have all had a great deal to do with man's exploration of space, and our country is now one of the world's leading researchers in space technology.
In ancient times, people wrote many myths to fulfill their desire and pursuit of the universe. Pangu's opening of the heavens and the earth was the ancient people's initial thinking about the reason for the creation of the heavens and the earth--who am I and where am I. Chang'e's running to the moon represented the ancient people's yearning for the moon, wanting to fly up to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the moon, and Nuwa's refining of stones to mend the sky carried the ancient people's yearning for the exploration of the sky; these mythological stories, though not true, all represented the ancient people's space These myths, though not true, represent the ancient people's initial understanding of space. The ancients believed that the changes in the human world and the natural world were related to the changes in the stars in the firmament. And the position of the stars in the sky changes so slowly that it takes hundreds or even thousands of years to detect their displacement. But the changes of the planets are much more significant. As a result, the changes of the planets occupied an important place in the astrological system of the ancients.
The exploration of space has greatly advanced human technology in weather forecasting, computers, and medicine, such as medical scanners, fetal heart monitors, and insulin pumps, and every update of these advanced instruments has been related to the development of space. In fact, space technology is closely related to our daily lives.
China has initially formed a series of four satellites - a series of return remote sensing satellites, a series of communication and broadcasting satellites, a series of meteorological satellites, and a series of meteorological satellites. The "Practice" series of scientific exploration and technology test satellites, and the "Resources" series of earth resource satellites will soon be formed. China is the third country in the world to have mastered satellite recovery technology, and the success rate of satellite recovery has reached the international advanced level; China is the fifth country in the world to have independently developed and launched geostationary orbit communication satellites. China's meteorological satellites and Earth resource satellites have reached the international level of the early 1990s.