What is the area code of Baoji?

Baoji’s area code is 0917

When making domestic long-distance calls from mainland China, you must dial the long-distance prefix 0. For example, when making a long-distance call from Shanghai to Beijing, you must dial the long-distance prefix 0, the Beijing area code 10, and the phone number. However, when calling from overseas (including Hong Kong and Macau) to mainland China, you do not need to dial the long-distance prefix 0. For example, if you want to make a direct international call from the United States to Beijing, China without using a switchboard, you must dial the U.S. international prefix 011, China international dial code 86, Beijing area code 10, and the phone number. In mainland China, if you want to make an international long-distance call (including Hong Kong and Macau), you need to add the international prefix "00", followed by the international area code, the route area code and the user's phone number before the call can be connected. The exchange structure of the People's Republic of China adopts a four-level tandem radiated long-distance telephone network: Office C1 is the regional central office or foreign exchange, established in 8 major cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, and Nanjing , Wuhan City, Chengdu City, Xi'an City, and Guangzhou City. C2 bureau is the provincial central bureau, established in provincial capital cities other than C1 bureau. Bureau C3 is the regional central office. Bureau C4 is a county-level switching center. Structurally, C1 bureaus and municipalities use two-digit area codes, with Beijing as "10" and other areas starting with "2". Other cities divided into districts in each province, region, and city use three-digit area codes.