The websites that can search for Chinese patents are

1, China's State Intellectual Property Office website:

(1) field search:

The system provides 16 search fields, the user can be based on the known conditions, from the 16 search portal to make a choice, you can carry out a single-field search or multi-field limited search. Each search field can be ambiguous search, with % (must use the half-width format), on behalf of an arbitrary letter, number or word; multiple ambiguous characters can be used, and can be entered into the search string in any position, the first position can be omitted.

(2) IPC classification search

IPC classification navigation search that is the use of the IPC class table of ministries, large classes, small classes, step by step query to the class of interest, click on the name of this category, you can get the patent search results under the category (except for designs).

IPC classification navigation search at the same time to provide keyword search, that is, under a selected category, in the invention name and abstract, etc. within the scope of the keyword search, to improve the accuracy of the search.

2, IncoPat Science and Technology Innovation Intelligence Platform

3, China Patent Information Network

4, PatentHub-patenthub Patent Search Engine

5, China Intellectual Property Rights Network

6, innojoy Patent Search Engine

7, Patent search system

8, Patent Star - Patent Search System

9, SOOPAT Patent Search Engine

10, PatSnap Wisdom Buds Patent Search System

: What are the ways to search for patents?

There are three ways to search for patents: paper search, software search and online search.

Paper carrier is the main form of patent literature, but also the main object of the search, paper retrieval of the information searched is generally the least likely to be wrong, the most evidence of effectiveness, but its efficiency in the process of patent retrieval is low, time-consuming and laborious, easy to loose damage, and due to the printing and distribution of a long period of time, the latest information retrieval is more difficult.

Legal basis: Article 69 of the Patent Law, one of the following circumstances, is not regarded as infringement of the patent:

(a) the patented product or the product obtained directly in accordance with the patented method, sold by the patentee or by its licensed units, individuals, the use, promise to sell, sell, import the product;

(b) in the patent application before the date of the patent has been manufacturing the (b) the same product, the use of the same method or have made the necessary preparations for the manufacture and use, and only within the original scope of the continued manufacture and use;

(c) temporary passage through China's territorial land, water and airspace of foreign means of transportation, in accordance with the agreement signed by the country of which it is a member with China or *** with the participation of the international treaty, or in accordance with the principle of reciprocity, the use of the relevant patents in the devices and equipment for the means of transportation for their own needs;

The use of the patent in the device or equipment;