This Decision shall come into force on the date of its publication.
The Classified Management List of Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects (Decree No. 44 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection) shall be amended accordingly in accordance with this Decision and shall be re-published.
"Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects Classified Management List" Revision Sheet
EIA Category Project Category Report Reporting Form Registration Form This Column Environmentally Sensitive Areas Meaning II Agricultural and Foodstuffs Processing Industry 2 Grain and Feed Processing Containing Fermentation Processes Processing of 10,000 Tons per Year and Above Other 4 Sugar, Sugar Products Processing Raw Sugar Production Other (except for simple portioning) Simply divided III Food Manufacturing Industry 11 Convenience Food Manufacturing / other than handmade and simply divided into handmade or simply divided 12 Dairy Products Manufacturing / other than simply divided into simply divided 13 Seasonings, Fermented Products Manufacturing Containing Fermentation Processes Monosodium Glutamate, Citric Acid, Lysine, etc. Manufacturing Other (except simply divided) Simply Divided 15 Feed Additives, Food Additives Manufacturing / other than simply Mixed and divided into simple mixed or divided 16 Nutritional food, health food, frozen drinks, edible ice manufacturing and other food manufacturing / in addition to handmade and simple divided into handmade or simple divided IV. Alcohol, Beverage Manufacturing 17 Alcoholic Beverages and Wine Manufacturing with a fermentation process (except for the annual production capacity of less than 1,000 kiloliters of fruits or fruit juices as raw materials) Other (simple blended) Except) simply blended 18 fruit and vegetable juice type and other soft drinks manufacturing / in addition to simply modulated simply modulated V. Tobacco Products Industry 19 cigarettes / all / XXVIII, computer, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing 80 computer manufacturing / display devices; integrated circuits; with splitting, welding, pickling or organic solvents cleaning process of the other 81 Intelligent Consumer Devices Manufacturing / all / 82 Electronic Devices Manufacturing / display devices; integrated circuits; with splitting, welding, pickling or organic solvent cleaning process of other 83 electronic components and electronic special materials manufacturing / printed circuit boards; electronic special materials; with splitting, welding, pickling or organic solvent cleaning process of / 84 communications equipment manufacturing, radio and television equipment manufacturing, radar and ancillary equipment manufacturing, manufacturing of non-specialized audio-visual equipment and other electronic equipment manufacturing / All / 34, environmental governance industry 99 desulfurization, denitrification, dust removal, VOCs management and other projects / new desulfurization, denitrification, dust removal other 36, real estate 106 real estate development, hotels, restaurants, hotels, office buildings, standard factories, etc. / involved in environmentally sensitive areas; need to build their own supporting sewage treatment facilities in other all of the areas in Article 3 (a); Article 3 (b) of the Basic Farmland Protection Zone, Basic grasslands, forest parks, geoparks, important wetlands, natural forests, important habitats for wildlife, key protection of wild plants breeding sites; Article 3 (3) of the cultural relics protection units, for standard plants to add Article 3 (3) of the residential, medical and health care, culture and education, scientific research, administrative offices, etc. as the main function of the region of the thirty-nine, health 111 hospitals, specialized prevention and treatment hospitals (institutes and stations), community health care, sanatoriums (clinics, stations), community health care, sanatoriums (clinics, stations), and so on. ), community health care, health centers (institutes, stations), blood stations, emergency centers, maternal and child health centers, nursing homes and other health institutions new construction, expansion of 500 beds and above other (except for those with less than 20 beds) less than 20 beds Forty, social undertakings and services 113 Schools, kindergartens, day-care centers, orphanages, nursing homes / involved in environmentally sensitive areas; schools with laboratories of chemistry, biology, etc. Others (except those with a floor area of less than 5,000 square meters) All the areas in Article 3(a); basic farmland reserve, basic grassland, forest park, geological park, important wetland, natural forest, important wildlife habitat, breeding sites of wild plants under key protection114 Wholesale and retail markets/others involving environmentally sensitive areas in Article 3(b) All the areas in Article 3(a); Basic farmland reserves, basic grasslands, forest parks, geoparks, important wetlands, natural forests, important habitats for wildlife, key protection of wild plant breeding sites in Article 3 (b); cultural relics protection units in Article 3 (c) 116 hotels and restaurants and medical institutions centralized washing of clothing, centralized washing and disinfection of tableware / other required to build their own supporting sewage treatment facilities 118 exhibition halls, museums Art museums, theaters, concert halls, cultural centers, libraries, archives, memorial halls, stadiums, gymnasiums, etc./other environmentally sensitive areas involved in all the areas in Article 3 (1); basic farmland reserves, basic grasslands, forest parks, geoparks, important wetlands, natural forests, important habitats for wildlife, key protection of wild plants breeding grounds in Article 3 (2); Article 3 (3) ) in cultural relics protection units 119 parks (including zoos, botanical gardens, theme parks) extra-large, large theme parks others (except city parks and botanical gardens) city parks, botanical gardens 120 Tourism development involves the construction of cable cars and ropeways in environmentally sensitive zones; marine recreation and sports, and development of marine landscapes others/all areas in Article 3(1); forest parks in Article 3(2), Geological parks, important wetlands, natural forests, important habitats for wild animals, breeding sites of wild plants under key protection, natural spawning grounds, baiting grounds, wintering grounds and migratory corridors for important aquatic organisms, closed and semi-enclosed sea areas; cultural relics protection units in Article 3 (3) 123 driver training bases, public transportation hubs, large parking lots, motor vehicle testing sites / other environmentally sensitive areas in Article 3 (a). All areas in Article 3 (a); basic farmland reserve, basic grassland, forest parks, geoparks, important wetlands, natural forests, important habitats for wild animals, key protection of wild plants breeding sites in Article 3 (b); cultural relics protection units in Article 3 (c) 125 car wash/involved in environmentally sensitive zones; hazardous chemicals transportation vehicle washing site other all areas in Article 3 (a); Basic farmland reserves, basic grasslands, forest parks, geoparks, important wetlands, natural forests, important habitats for wild animals, breeding sites of wild plants under key protection in Article 3 (2); all the areas in Article 3 (3).126 Automobile and motorcycle repair sites/involving environmentally sensitive zones; those with spray painting processes other all the areas in Article 3 (1); all the areas in Article 3 (3) Region 49, Transportation, Pipeline Transportation and Warehousing 157 Class highways (excluding maintenance, excluding reconstruction and expansion of Class IV highways) Newly constructed Class III or above highways of more than 30 kilometers; Newly constructed tunnels of 1 kilometer or more involving environmentally sensitive areas; Newly constructed bridges of 1 kilometer or more in length of main bridges involving environmentally sensitive areas Other (excluding ancillary facilities, Class IV highways that do not involve environmentally sensitive areas) Supporting facilities, not involving environmentally sensitive areas of the fourth level of highway all areas in Article 3 (a); all areas in Article 3 (b); all areas in Article 3 (c) 172 urban roads (excluding maintenance, excluding side roads) / new expressways, arterial roads other 173 urban bridges, tunnels (excluding footbridges, pedestrian tunnels) / all / 50, nuclear and radiation 183 TV towers involving environmentally 100 kilowatts and above in environmentally sensitive areas / Article 3 (3) of the main functions of residential, medical and health care, culture and education, scientific research, administrative offices, etc. 184 Satellite Earth uplink stations involving environmentally sensitive areas / Article 3 (3) of the main functions of residential, medical and health care, culture and education, scientific research, administrative offices, etc. 185 radar involving environmentally sensitive areas / other Areas in Article 3 (3) that have residential, medical and health care, cultural education, scientific research, administrative offices, etc. as their main functions 187 Nuclear power plants (nuclear power plants, nuclear thermal power plants, nuclear steam and heat supply plants, etc.); reactors (research reactors, experimental reactors, critical installations, etc.); nuclear fuel production, processing, storage, reprocessing; storage, treatment or disposal of radioactive wastes; decommissioning of the above projects. Radioactive pollution control projects, new construction, expansion (except for independent radioactive waste storage facilities) major changes in the main production process or safety of important structures, but not a significant increase in the source item; sub-critical device of the new construction, expansion; independent radioactive waste storage facilities within the scope of the control area of the nuclear facilities of the new non-radioactive laboratories, test equipment, maintenance workshops, warehouses, office facilities, etc. 191 nuclear technology utilization Construction projects (excluding the increase in the licensed premises does not exceed the type of licensed activities and not higher than the licensed range of nuclides or radiation devices) production of radioisotopes (except for the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals for PET); the use of Class I radioactive sources (except for medical use); sales (including the construction of), the use of Class I radiation devices; Class A unsealed radioactive material workplace preparation of PET with radioactive drugs; medical use of Class I radioactive sources (except for medical use); sales (including construction), use of Class I radiation devices; Class A non-sealed radioactive material workplace preparation of PET with radioactive substances Drugs; medical use of Class I radioactive sources; the use of Class Ⅱ, Ⅲ radioactive sources; production, use of Class Ⅱ radiation device; B, C non-sealed radioactive material workplaces (except for the use of implantation of radioactive particles in medical institutions with the use of therapeutic sources); radioisotope tracer tests in the field of sales of Class Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ sources; the use of Ⅳ, Ⅴ sources of radiation; Medical institutions using implanted therapeutic radioactive particle sources; the sale of non-sealed radioactive material; the sale of Class Ⅱ radiation device; production, sale, use of Class Ⅲ radiation device