What do the six sex hormones mean?

Six tests of sex hormones are a very routine test, which is usually used to check the female reproductive system. The six sex hormones refer to PRL, E2, FSH, P, LH and T! Six tests of sex hormones refer to detecting the contents of these six hormones, and reflecting physiological functions such as endocrine function and ovarian function by checking whether the hormone level is abnormal.

Prolactin (PRL): Just look at its name to know its function. Yes, it is to promote lactation, mammary gland hyperplasia, milk production and so on.

Estradiol (E2): Estradiol is the most energetic of all estrogens, and its main function is to promote the development of female secondary characteristics.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH): The main function of FSH is to promote the growth and development of follicles, and its concentration can also be checked to predict fertility!

Progesterone (P): The role of progesterone is of course related to "pregnancy"! Sperm and eggs combine to form fertilized eggs, and progesterone also helps a lot when it enters the uterus!

Luteinizing hormone (LH): Under the joint action of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, the corpus luteum is formed!

Testosterone (T): Speaking of testosterone, there is a lot to say. Although it is a male hormone, it also exists in a small amount in women. In our daily life, we will see that some women's body hair is unusually thick, because the testosterone content is too high!

Three best times to do six sex hormone tests!

Menstruation for 3-5 days