How to convert mp4 file to mp3 file to eliminate noise?

Download cool edit 2.1 audio editing software!

/down/cepsetup.exe Noise Reduction Processing

Let's do an example of noise reduction first to get a feel for what it can do.

When it comes to noise reduction there are several ways to do it, roughly speaking sampling, filtering, noise gates and so on. The best of these should be the sampling noise reduction method. So let's just record a piece of sound and then give it noise reduction.

Cool Edit 2000 can record a variety of sources including: microphones, tape recorders, CD players, and so on. Connect these devices to the sound card. Then, set the recording level to the appropriate position and you're ready to record.

Click New in the menu File to bring up the New waveform dialog box, and select the appropriate recording channels, resolution, and sample rate. Generally use Stereo, 16-bit, 44100Hz, which is used for CD sound quality settings, the effect is already good

Click the red Record button in the lower left of the main window of Cool Edit 2000

To start recording, and play the CD source. After you finish recording, click the Stop button on the lower left of the Cool Edit 2000 main window, and the waveform of the file you just recorded will appear in the Cool Edit 2000 window. To play it, click the Play button.

After zooming in on the waveform, select the smoothest and longest section of the waveform in the noise area (usually the interval where there is no music signal).

Then select the Noise

Reduction command in the Transform item in the menu, and the Noise Reduction interface will pop up

Change the parameter of Snapshots in profile to 800, and the value of FFT Size to 8192, and the value of Precision FFT Size to 8192, and the value of Precision FFT Size to 8192. to 8192, the value of Precision Factor to 10, and the value of Smoothing Amount to about 10, which will achieve better results.

After changing the parameters, click the Get Profile from Selection button, and the profile of the noise sample will appear in a few seconds

Close the window and listen to the effect, is the noise gone? If you are not satisfied, you can adjust the parameters again, because the sound source is different from the recording equipment, so you need to repeat the debugging in order to achieve a very satisfactory result
