In accordance with the definition of physics, radiation from CRT monitors is mainly divided into optical radiation, low-energy X-rays, radio fields, electrostatic fields and low-frequency electromagnetic fields. Among them, the most serious damage to human health is the low-frequency electric field, which is mainly generated by the power supply part of the monitor (high-voltage packages) and the vertical/horizontal scanning electric field, and the frequency of the electromagnetic field is between 5Hz and 400Hz.
For the monitor's low-frequency electromagnetic field, manufacturers mainly take two methods to solve, the first is for the monitor using high-voltage power supply, through the compensation coil on its low-frequency electromagnetic field suppression, the role of this method is more limited; the second is to strengthen the monitor's shielding design, that is, from the direction of the electromagnetic radiation emitted from the display screen, the use of leaded glass screen will be it "Intercept". The vast majority of CRT products currently use this method.
However, the leaded glass screen can only block the radiation on the front of the display, on the left and right sides, the back, the top and other parts of the radiation will not be able to help. In fact, the CRT monitor low-frequency electromagnetic radiation strength distribution is: the back of the display is the strongest, followed by the left and right sides, the screen front is the weakest. Previously, manufacturers generally use metal shielding to solve the back of the radiation problem, the metal shield will be the entire back of the monitor wrapped up tightly, and then covered with a plastic shell. The advantage of this treatment is: low-frequency electromagnetic radiation can basically be effectively shielded, even if there is a small leakage is insignificant. However, due to cost reasons, this metal shield in the current low-end CRT monitors have been difficult to find.
Thus, the strongest radiation of CRT monitors is the back of the display, followed by the left and right sides, and the front of the screen is the weakest radiation. The owner is of course quite disadvantaged by the back of the monitor. All of the above are quite professional say, put the points to me not lose it. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.
Lastly, of course, I wish the owner soon out of the sea of suffering, the more you grow more beautiful