Beauty salon door effect

Common materials and characteristics of the door sign

1, spray painting door

Spray painting door sign, which is characterized by the price is cheap, simple and fast production, in the early advertising signage, monopoly position, single has its significant disadvantages, spray fading fast, almost one or two years and a half years or so, you need to change the door, so in the modern advertising sign market, the program is rapidly declining! Trend.

2, light-emitting word door

led light-emitting word door sign: the most common is also the highest market share of the signage production form, the main features of energy saving and environmental protection, durability, cost-effective.

3, neon

Neon signage: neon signs in 4-5 years ago, or a very "status", with the development and application of led, neon has been decommissioned, and now very few companies do neon signs. The biggest disadvantage of neon signs is that they are too fragile, not durable, not beautiful enough during the day, and have a large light decay.

4, led colorful screen

led colorful screen signboard: led colorful screen signboard is the last two years more fire signboard production form, the main feature is that during the day like ordinary signs, but at night, he is a display, can display pictures, text, video and other content. And the price is much lower than led display. This signboard is generally used in restaurants, KTV, entertainment clubs, bars and other places more.

5, aluminum composite panel

Aluminum composite panel door signs: its characteristics are, affordable, relatively simple to produce, the color is durable, if with the right word, coupled with the fine construction, the door signs will become a beautiful sensory images, in the modern signage production species, stand 60% of the market.

But this kind of signboard is the most critical place: material and construction. Good materials plus good construction master can only, its two most critical, or as many door head on the street, there are so one or two fast aluminum composite panels due to various factors fall off. The whole door head to replace the redo.

6, color steel buckle plate

Color steel buckle plate signboard, production is simple and fast, single effect in general, because of the material material factors, fading faster, if a good buckle plate, with the right word can also achieve good results, this kind of signboard is very common.

7, glass

Glass door header, its characteristics: beautiful color, flat appearance, door grade is medium to high grade, in the modern door header signage kind of important position, there is a popularity of the matter, but because of the price is slightly higher, plus do this kind of door header of the workers and masters of the price is also high, so this kind of new door header accounted for 30% of the market. (This kind of door recommended safety glass)

8, PVC engraving

PVC engraving door, which is characterized by the shape of the door can be novel and chic, single general door need to be simple and generous, so this kind of door range is small, very few producers

Expanded Information:

Door header, refers to the enterprises, institutions and individual businesses set up in the doorway of the plaque and related facilities, is a form of decoration outside the shop store door. On the whole, the beautifully crafted doorway is a means of beautifying the sales place and decorating the store, attracting customers by sucking Gu, well-designed doorway, is an important element of modern decoration.