What SSDs are used for.

Storing data. Solid state drives are characterized by fast read/write speeds, light weight, low energy consumption, and small footprints that traditional mechanical hard drives do not have, while their disadvantages are more obvious.

Solid state hard disk in the interface specification and definition, function and use of the method is identical to the ordinary hard disk, in the product shape and size is also completely consistent with the ordinary hard disk. They are widely used in military, automotive, industrial control, video surveillance, network monitoring, network terminals, electric power, medical, aviation, navigation equipment and many other fields.

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Working Principle:

RPM, the rotational speed of the motor spindle within the hard disk, is the maximum number of revolutions that the hard disk platters can complete in one minute. The speed of the RPM is one of the most important parameters in labeling the grade of the hard disk, and it is one of the key factors in determining the internal transfer rate of the hard disk, which directly affects the speed of the hard disk to a large extent. The faster the rotation speed of the hard disk, the faster the hard disk looks for files, and the relative transmission speed of the hard disk is also improved.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Solid State Drives