Hunan Province Xiangtan City Center Hospital in where...?
Hospital grade: three A President's name: Liu Ping Zip code: 411100 Phone number: 0732-8214741 Detailed address: Xiangtan City, Yuhu Road, No. 210 beds: 710 Specialty: neurosurgery, cardiovascular internal medicine main equipment: color ultrasound, extracorporeal circulation machine, two-way cardiovascular angiography X-ray machine, bone marrow transplantation laminar-flow ultra-clean room, ICU, CCU guardianship system, Spiral CT, automatic biochemical analyzer, ECT, linear gas pedal, MRI, etc. Bus route: take 1, 6, 9, 13, 14, 17 to the infrastructure camp; take 19, 105, 108 in the hospital under the Web site address: