On June 25, 2009, Jackson, who was preparing for his comeback concert "This Is It," died of acute propofol and benzodiazepine? type drug poisoning resulting in cardiac arrest and died as a result of resuscitation. The Los Angeles medical examiner ruled it a homicide and his personal physician, Conrad Murray, was convicted of manslaughter. Jackson's death sparked global grief and his public memorial service was broadcast around the world.
Wikipedia suffered a crash at 3:15 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (22:15 UTC), as did Twitter. The Wikimedia Foundation said nearly a million people accessed Jackson's life in less than an hour, possibly the most accessed hour in Wikipedia's history. America Online Instant Messenger was down for 40 minutes. America Online called it "a moment of great significance in the history of the Internet," adding that "in terms of breadth and depth, we've never seen anything like it."