(1) Operating frequency. The operating frequency is the *** vibration frequency of the piezoelectric wafer. When the frequency of the AC voltage added to its ends and the wafer's *** vibration frequency is equal, the output energy is the largest, the highest sensitivity.
(2) operating temperature. Because the Curie point of piezoelectric material is generally higher, especially when the diagnostic ultrasound probe using less power, so the operating temperature is relatively low, can work for a long time without failure. Medical ultrasound transducers have higher temperatures and require separate refrigeration equipment.
(3) sensitivity. Depends largely on the manufacturing wafer itself. Electromechanical coupling coefficient is large, high sensitivity; conversely, low sensitivity. Such as ultrasonic sensors, a composite vibrator is flexibly fixed on the base. The composite vibrator is a combination of a resonator and a dual piezoelectric wafer element vibrator consisting of a metal wafer and a piezoelectric ceramic wafer. The resonator is horn shaped in order to efficiently radiate ultrasonic waves generated due to vibration and to efficiently concentrate the ultrasonic waves in the central part of the vibrator. Ultrasonic sensors for outdoor use must be well sealed so as to protect against dew, rain and dust. The piezoelectric ceramic is secured to the inside of the top of the metal cassette. The base is fixed to the open end of the cassette and is covered with resin. For ultrasonic sensors for industrial robots, an accuracy of 1 mm and strong ultrasonic radiation are required.