Hello, you need to pay attention to the following points when using the air-cushion truck:
The inflation pressure of each air-cushion support block of the air-cushion truck should not exceed 0.35Mpa. The weight of each air cushion support block of the air cushion truck should be as even as possible and pressed on the center of the air cushion support block so that the air cushion support block does not tilt. When using an air-cushion truck to transport heavy objects or equipment, it must be composed of at least three air-cushion support blocks.
The air supply pressure should not be too high when the air cushion module bears the weight or does not fully bear the weight, otherwise the air cushion support block will jump. At this time, as long as the air supply pressure is reduced, it will be normal. The air cushion support block and the ground are in contact with the air bag. The air bag is a rubber part and must be prevented from being cut by sharp objects (such as iron filings). Before transporting, the route along which heavy objects or equipment must be transported should be carefully cleaned, and there should be no sharp objects, iron filings, water, sand, mud or other easy objects.