Optometry course curriculum, course content to learn what

Optometry, also known as optometry, is a combination of modern optical technology and modern ophthalmology; the use of modern optical principles and techniques to solve visual disorders of the emerging interdisciplinary, is a category of interesting, challenging and rewarding medical careers.

Ophthalmology is a profession that cultivates applied ophthalmology professionals with solid knowledge of medical specialties and related natural sciences, strong medical practice and interpersonal communication skills, good professional ethics and humanistic qualities, and an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, integrating medical treatment, prevention, health care, and rehabilitation.

Through the study of basic theories and basic knowledge of optometry, the students will master the basic theoretical knowledge of ophthalmology and optometry and the basic skills of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of eye diseases.

Ophthalmic optics main courses political economy philosophy English computer basic cell biology basic chemistry organic chemistry physics systematic anatomy tissue embryology physiology biochemistry and molecular biology pharmacology pathophysiology pathology microbiology and immunology hygiene statistics epidemiology diagnostic surgery basic internal medicine external medicine medical psychology bioethics ophthalmology contact lens science Basic Ophthalmic OpticsBasic OphthalmologyBasic Clinical OptometryBasic OptometryOphthalmic Optics.