Oh, I don't know if you use the same equipment and we are not the same, we switch is BQD-80 type
1. two buttons
With a 4-core cable to connect the button first, I am generally connected in this way
(1) facing the two buttons from the left side of the number of the first terminal connected to the red, the second connected to the green, and the third you connect to the yellow. Note that some cables are white !!!!! There is a black cable left you connect to the grounding post of the housing in the button.
(2) Facing the switch from the left side of the number of the first red, the second green, the remaining two wires are all connected to the grounding post in the switch wiring chamber.
2 triple buttons
First connect the buttons and the same as the two connections
Then connect the switch, the first terminal to the red, the second yellow
The third to the green, the remaining wire to the switch cavity on the grounding post
If you don't understand, you can ask me again.
Also the triple button is usually controlled at the winch, so the switch is reversible. We use BQD-80N
I don't know if it's the same switch as the one you use
You're silly, I don't say the color how can I tell the difference ah