What is the difference between the US Army's HH60H Rescue Hawk and the SH60B, and which one is newer and stronger, and is used the most in carrier-based aircraft


The aircraft has a crew of four and is capable of carrying eight crew members in the cabin and 10 in an emergency. Since the aircraft has to go deep into local areas to rescue pilots, it can carry a wide range of weapon types, such as two M-60D/M-240 machine guns or two GAU-17A, as well as four Helfa missiles or Stinger air-to-air missiles, Maverick air-to-ground missiles, and other weapons. The HH-60H prototype first flew on August 17, 1988, and entered U.S. Navy service the following year with an order for 45 aircraft.

SH-60B anti-submarine helicopter

The main tactical and technical performance of the aircraft is: 10.76 meters long, 3.26 meters wide, 5.18 meters high, 6,191 kilograms of empty weight, the maximum takeoff weight of 9,182 kilograms, the maximum flight speed of 300 kilometers / hour, the cruising speed of 250 kilometers / hour, the limit of ascent of 5,700 meters, the range of 600 kilometers; The power plant is two turboshaft engines with a maximum power of 2 x 1,690 shaft horsepower; the main armament consists of two MK46 or MK50 anti-submarine torpedoes or two air-to-ship missiles.

SH-60B is a U.S. Sikorsky anti-submarine and anti-ship helicopter based on the UH-60A medium transport helicopter, code-named "Seahawk", which entered service with the Navy in 1983.

2Technical Performance

Major equipment includes: AN/APN-217 Doppler radar, AN/APS-124 search radar, AN/AYK-14 digital computer, AN/ARC-159 UHF and AN/ARC-174 HF radios, AN/APX-76A and AN/APX-100 enemy identifiers. TSEC/KY-75 classified communication system, AN/ARC-75 and R-1651/ARA sonobuoy receivers, AN/ASQ-165 weapon control display, etc.

The main features are: a more powerful engine, two additional float tanks on both sides of the fuselage, the tail beam has been changed to a sealed type, the rotor blades, tail beam, and flat tail can be folded, the main wheelbase has been reduced by 46.6%, the tail wheel has been changed to a double wheel, the fuselage hangers can hang two secondary fuel tanks, and there is the capability of airborne hovering refueling.

Mainly used for anti-submarine and anti-ship operations, and with the implementation of logistical support, search and rescue, medical evacuation and other tasks. In the Gulf War, the SH-60B was used for the first time in actual combat, and coordinated with the "Big Bobcat", OH-58D helicopters destroyed a large number of Iraqi surface craft. However, due to the lack of target surveillance, search equipment (especially night vision equipment), global positioning and navigation systems, as well as long-range air-to-ship missiles and other weapons, thus greatly limiting the ability to carry out the mission.