Which is better for medical device and it software sales, new energy sales, and cross-border e-commerce? Who should I choose?

Whether to choose medical device, IT software sales, new energy sales, or cross-border e-commerce depends on a number of factors, including personal interests, skills, market trends, and career prospects. Here is a brief analysis of these four fields:

Medical device sales: With an aging population and increased health awareness, the medical device industry is a steadily growing market. This industry requires extremely high product quality and safety, and is strictly regulated, so the barriers to entry are relatively high. If you have a relevant medical background or a keen interest in medical devices, then this industry could be a good choice.

IT software sales: the communications engineering profession is highly correlated with the IT software field, and your expertise can be directly applied. the IT software industry continues to grow rapidly, especially in areas such as cloud services and big data services. Although the market is highly competitive, there are many opportunities for innovation, and this field may be more attractive to entrepreneurs with a technical background.

New energy sales: The new energy industry is rapidly emerging as global concern for environmental protection and sustainability increases. This industry covers a wide range of fields such as solar energy, wind energy, and electric vehicles, and has a broad market outlook. If you have a passion for new energy technologies and a keen eye for market trends, then this industry may be an option worth considering.

Cross-border e-commerce: cross-border e-commerce is a fast-growing field, and with globalization and the development of the Internet, more and more consumers are choosing to buy goods through cross-border e-commerce platforms. This industry requires some knowledge of language skills, market insights and cross-border logistics. If you have an interest in these areas and are willing to keep learning and improving yourself, then cross-border e-commerce could be a promising option.

In summary, which field you choose depends on factors such as your personal interests, skills and market trends. It is recommended that you gain a deeper understanding of the development trend and market demand of these fields, and then make a decision in light of your actual situation. Most importantly, no matter which field you choose, you should keep learning and improving your ability to adapt to the ever-changing market environment.