How to treat tinnitus?

Hello. Tinnitus has a variety of manifestations, some for one side of the tinnitus, some for both sides; some intermittent, some continuous; lightweight quiet tinnitus, heavy in the downtown area feel noisy and uneasy.

There are many reasons for tinnitus:

Mainly ear diseases, such as diseases of the outer ear: otitis externa, cerumen embolism, foreign body in the outer ear, etc., acute and chronic inflammation of the middle ear, tympanic membrane perforation, otosclerosis, and the inner ear of the Meniere's syndrome, acoustic neuroma, can cause tinnitus.

Tinnitus also occurs in vascular diseases, such as jugular venous bulbar tumors, dilatation of small blood vessels in the ear, vascular malformations, hemangiomas, etc. Tinnitus from the veins is mostly a cacophony of sound, and tinnitus from the arteries is consistent with the pulsation of the pulse.

Some other systemic diseases can also cause tinnitus: vegetative nerve disorder, lack of cerebral blood supply, pre-stroke, hypertension, hypotension, anemia, diabetes mellitus, malnutrition.

Additionally, overuse of drugs that are toxic to the ear, such as gentamicin, streptomycin or kanamycin, can also cause tinnitus and hearing loss, and tinnitus occurs earlier than hearing loss.


Over fatigue, lack of sleep, and excessive emotional stress can also lead to tinnitus.

For patients with tinnitus, it is important to find out which cause it is, and then deal with it according to the specific situation:

Overworked and sleep deprived people should pay attention to rest, ensure enough sleep; emotional tension and anxiety should be to make the mind relaxation, and if necessary, can take some sedative drugs, such as Valium, Finasteride, and other Chinese medicines. Six-flavored dihuang pill and other Chinese medicinal preparations for tinnitus also have a certain effect.

The tinnitus caused by ear diseases should be actively treated for primary ear diseases.


Systemic diseases should be treated at the same time, such as hypertension to reduce blood pressure, diabetics to control blood sugar, anemia to correct anemia, malnutrition or paranoia should pay attention to supplemental nutrients and so on;


If it is because of the use of ototoxic drugs, such as "gentamicin", "streptomycin", "streptozotocin", "streptocin", "streptocin", "streptomycin", "streptococcus" and so on. "

If tinnitus occurs due to the use of ototoxic drugs such as gentamicin, streptomycin, or kanamycin, the drugs should be stopped and strong medical measures taken in order to eliminate the tinnitus and restore hearing.

At present, the treatment of tinnitus is in principle divided into two categories: conservative treatment and surgical treatment. In addition to the discovery of surgical lesions, must be surgical treatment, generally take conservative treatment such as psychotherapy, masking, drugs, relaxation therapy and so on. Tinnitus treatment

: ① medication: commonly used vasodilators to improve blood circulation in the inner ear, such as low molecular dextran, danshen tablets, etc.; or to improve the energy metabolism of the inner ear tissues of the drug, ATP, coenzyme A, etc.; anticonvulsants, such as carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin, lidocaine and so on can inhibit the abnormal excitatory activity of the auditory system.

②Masking therapy: tinnitus masking device for the treatment of tinnitus, is the use of external acoustic stimulation to inhibit the inner ear or spontaneous excitation of the auditory nerve, can also be used in place of hearing aids masking device.

③Psychotherapy, such as biofeedback therapy: is the use of different biofeedback signals to train the patient to enter a state of relaxation, to restore the relative balance of the body, in order to achieve the purpose of tinnitus treatment.

All in all, tinnitus is generally not a major health hazard, but it is annoying. It is also difficult to treat at present. Tinnitus symptoms, should be actively to the hospital for appropriate examination and treatment, so as not to delay the diagnosis and treatment of some important diseases. If there is no specific disease, there is no need to be nervous, should maintain a happy mood, distraction, tinnitus may be reduced.