Laurel seismometer sensitivity

Seismic exploration instrumentation 3D seismic system DZ series seismograph DZ is a channel number of 4, 6, 8 channel acquisition station, 24-bit A/D converter, industry standard high-speed Gigabit Ethernet data transmission, 0.02ms ~ 16ms sampling, any PC landline can be used as a host controller, can complete the multiline three-dimensional seismic surveys, as many as 16 lines, 480 channels per line. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs StrataVisor NZXP Seismographs The NZXP series of seismographs use Crystalsigma-delta A/D converters and Geometrics' patented oversampling technology to achieve 24-bit A/D conversion accuracy. It can be widely used for refraction, reflection, seismic monitoring, explosives seismic sources, and PRS-1 for random tamping seismic source exploration. the NZXP series can be used as a telemetry recording center to control the Geode acquisition station, up to a maximum of up to 1,000 channels or more, or as a stand-alone unit constituting a 12- to 64-channel, single-box seismic instrument. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs Geode Lightweight Seismic Acquisition System Geode is a seismic data acquisition station with a channel count of 8, 12, 16, or 24, realizing a 24-bit A/D converter, and a central recording system that can be accomplished by either a portable computer or a StrataVisorNZ-type seismometer. It is suitable for exploration work in many fields such as engineering surveys. Geophysical Instrumentation Compendium and Monographs Lightweight Controlled Source Urban Seismic Survey System This is a unique lightweight pseudo-random source, interference-resistant shallow seismic survey system (Minisosie). The system includes a lightweight construction general-purpose rammer source, a multi-channel seismic data recorder, and built-in real-time correlation signal processing software. It can quickly complete the relevant processing, and is currently a favorable tool for carrying out urban seismic. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs Full-wave Multiple Types of Controlled Seismic SourcesLarge controlled seismic sources: HEMI35 (T); HEMI44; HEMI50; HEMI160.P-wave peak force outputs of 35,000 lbs, 44,000 lbs, 48,000 lbs, 50,000 lbs, and 60,000 lbs, respectively, are vehicle-mounted, and are mainly used for oil and gas exploration. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs Seismic Observation Instrumentation Nanometrics Trillium Seismometer Nanometrics is the world's top precision instrument manufacturing company specializing in the development of seismic monitoring instruments and various types of broadband seismic pendulums (sensors). Nanometrics Trillium seismometers are the only broadband seismometers that move without locking the pendulum and do not require re-centering, using a balanced three-axis design. The Nanometrics Trillium Compact seismometer is the only broadband seismometer that moves without locking the pendulum, eliminating the need for re-centering. It has excellent performance in terms of stable low noise and flat frequency response, ultra-low energy consumption and excellent temperature stability, making it an ideal choice for current seismic observations.Nanometrics Trillium Compact seismometers are miniature seismometers, with a compact size and weight, lower energy consumption, and excellent performance in terms of the same low noise and robustness and stability. Easy to carry and install, more adaptable to field applications.Taurus Multi-Channel Seismic RecorderTaurus is a portable seismic recorder that combines a variety of functions in one, lightweight and compact, can be directly connected to the interface of various types of seismic sensors to readings, continuous recording for more than 600 days, and power consumption of only 680MW. this new generation of seismic recorder can be connected to the Internet, wireless and VSAT network communication. This new generation of seismic recorder can be connected to the Internet, wireless and VSAT for network communication. In addition, in the field, Taurus does not require any assistance such as laptops, computers, PDAs, or external relays to record and read data. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs Electromagnetic Prospecting Instrumentation EH-4 Continuous Conductivity Profiler This system is jointly developed by GEOMETRICS and EMI, and is the world's first variable frequency electromagnetic bathymetry system. Adopting the unique orthogonal magnetic dipole controllable source, combined with the seismic technology, the system can quickly, automatically and multi-frequency data acquisition. The acquisition time for each point is 5-20 minutes. Exploration depth of 2 ~ 1500m, usually about 1000m, can be on-site real-time color imaging, is currently the coal field, minerals, groundwater, permafrost, mountain engineering, mine engineering, shallow oil and gas exploration and AMT static school of the best electromagnetic instrument. The new digital high-power TerraTEM transient electromagnetic system TerraTEM is an integrated transient electromagnetic system produced by Monex GeoScope Australia. The instrument uses the latest electronic technology to develop a digital acquisition system that is highly accurate, stable, and lightweight. The same coil can be used for receiving and transmitting, or separate coils can be used. External high-power transmitter system, the current can reach 50A, can do deeper geological exploration. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and MonographsNew Full-Featured Multi-Electrode High-Density Ground, Water, and In-Well DC Electrometry (AGI) Lightweight and compact high-density DC electrometry instrument, which arranges multiple electrodes (4 to 256) in an automatically controlled, programmable combination, realizing automatic and fast high-density rapid acquisition. The new SuperstingTM R8/IP programmable switch allows 8 channels to be measured at once, greatly reducing the time to automatically measure profiles, and allows (IP) excitation measurements to be made, obtaining resistivity profiles while simultaneously obtaining polarizability profiles at the same location. The instrument has matching 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D software. Meanwhile, it can do in-well, on-water and underwater measurements. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs High Signal-to-Noise Ratio IPR-12 Time-Domain Excitation Polarization/Resistivity Receiver The IPR-12 Time-Domain Excitation Polarization/Resistivity Receiver is mainly used for the exploration of metal deposits, and is also used for the geoelectric measurements of groundwater and geothermal resources, which are usually able to reach large depths. The IPR-12 is capable of making 8 simultaneous dipole measurements, which is much more efficient than conventional single dipole measurements. This is particularly valuable for in-hole acquisition, where electrode movement can be minimized. The built-in permanent memory records all information related to the measurement data, eliminating the need for manual notes. the IPR-12 receiver is PC compatible, allowing electronic data transfer to a PC for quick processing. the IPR-12 is quick and easy to read, with just a few keystrokes, because the IPR-12 has a resistance auto-detect function. The IPR-12 features automatic resistance detection, self-potential SP inversion compensation and gain setting. Recognized by the industry for its high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio, the instrument is also compatible with any IP transmitter. Geophysical Instrumentation Compendium and Monographs AeroTEMAeroTEM system is a digital helicopter-mounted time-domain electromagnetic system that utilizes a high power transmitter to drive a multi-turn transmitting coil and two receiving coils, with the receiving coils inside the transmitting coil. This configuration maximizes resolution and discrimination, minimizes the effects of rock conductivity, and maximizes performance in rugged terrain and strong wind environments. The high spatial resolution AeroTEM system produces more response windows than other helicopter-borne EM systems, better separates the conductivity of individual targets, and can differentiate between extremely tilted geocaches as well as horizontal, thick bodies of rock.The AeroTEM transmitter-receiver platform is extremely rugged and, due to its rigid construction, can be operated in harsh weather, such as strong winds, as well as in challenging terrain. In most cases, targets detected by the AeroTEM can be drilled directly without subsequent ground investigation. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs GEM Series Wide Band Multi-Frequency Electromagnetic Explorer GEM-2 Wide Band Multi-Frequency Electromagnetic Explorer (EM System): a portable, digitized, and programmable wide band electromagnetic exploration instrument. It is characterized by new technology, easy to use, suitable for shallow geological exploration, environmental surveys and engineering geological surveys.GEM-2's transmitting and receiving coils are fixed in a device equipped with a strap that looks like a ski, and the magazine containing all the electronic components can be embedded in the board, and the palm computer (PDA) is affixed to the magazine as the user interface and display.GEM -3 Broadband Multi-Frequency Digital Electromagnetic Detector (GEM): It is suitable for the detection of metallic objects, such as buried metal objects, unexploded ordnance and munitions. It is lightweight, portable, and versatile, weighing 10 lbs (5kg) in its basic configuration. Because it is completely digital, it can be programmed in many other modes of operation.GEM-5 Electromagnetic Induction Gradiometer: A vehicle-towed or vehicle-mounted electromagnetic induction gradiometer with high-density, three-dimensional spatial data acquisition; the system is primarily used in environmental applications to find unexploded ordnance, and in civilian applications such as detection of buried objects. buried objects and other civilian areas. According to the general application, in harsh environments, it can be used to detect and search for landmines and improvised explosive devices.GEM-5B Electromagnetic Induction Gradiometer: It is an enhanced version of GEM-5, which provides a larger transmitting magnetic moment for the detection of deep buried objects. A vehicle-towed method of operation is used. The system can be used for geological mapping, dam and fortification inspections, as well as for detecting/characterizing artificially created underground structures, such as clandestine underground tunnels. The system can also be used to detect power lines with loads by measuring the background electromagnetic noise values coming from the buildings. Geophysical Instrumentation Compendium and Monographs Ohm Mapper Resistivity Imager The Ohm Mapper is a capacitively coupled resistivity measurement instrument based on the double dipole approach to resistivity measurements, specifically designed to measure the electrical properties of geotechnical soils without the need to strike metal electrodes. A coaxial cable is configured with a transmitter and a multi-stage receiver for rapid acquisition and real-time imaging in a single drag along the surface, many times faster than the traditional DC method. It can be widely used in the fields of detecting groundwater, engineering inspection, mineral investigation, building quality inspection, research, etc. It is the best measuring instrument for high resistance areas on the surface. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monograph Gravity Measurement Instrumentation CG-5 micro-gravity flow-type electronic measurement gravimeter SCINTREX company introduced the whole fused silica spring automatic electronic readout gravimeter, 1 micro-gravity resolution, 5 micro-gravity precision, suitable for field flow gravity measurements, and zero-length springs compared to the handling of the pendulum does not need to be locked, repeatability is good, basically no drop out of the frame, the linearity of the temperature drift can be automatically corrected, only need to be 1 ~It takes only 1~2 minutes to complete a single point measurement, and is the best gravimeter based on fused silica elastic system currently available. Lacoste High Precision g-phone Tidal Gravimeter is a portable solid-state tidal gravimeter. The prototype is PET, introduced in 1996, with a range of 7000 mG, and the long-term observation and recording of data can be done on both desktop PCs and notebook PCs. The recording software is Windows-based. After upgrading by our company, it is now g-phone type, which can realize network control and remote data download, and can also be used directly as accelerometer to record seismic events. Geophysical Instruments Compilation and MonographsGeophysical Instruments Compilation and MonographsGeophysical Instruments Compilation and MonographsHigh-precision Portable Absolute Gravity MeterHigh-precision Absolute Gravity Meter FG-5, FG5-L:Suitable for high-precision observation of earthquakes, vertical motion of the earth's crust, volcano monitoring, observation of the cycle of the long-period solid tidal motion, atomic energy waste cleanup, oil and gas exploration, force transducer calibration, and redefining of the unit kilogram, Gravity standard station, relative network control points and the determination of large G and other fields, the accuracy of up to 1 × 10-8m/s2 (MGal), observation time < 2 hours. A10 portable absolute gravity meter: This is a vehicle-mounted mobile small absolute gravity meter, automatic reading, easy to use. Double probe system, 10μG accuracy, observation time is only 10 minutes. Uses a 12V battery. Uses a stabilized laser as well as a standard clock to maintain its absolute calibration. No network loop closure correction, no drift correction, no need to use a known reference base station. Geophysical Instrumentation Compendium and Monographs GWR Stationary Superconducting Gravity Meter The GWR Superconducting Gravity Meter is currently the most sensitive gravity meter in the world, with a measurement accuracy of up to 0.01 micrograms. The instrument is cooled by liquid helium and is available in different sizes of Dewar bottles. Station mounted installations for long term observations can be retrofitted with external electric cooling to minimize helium consumption. Small, lightweight Dewar bottles are available to form portable station observing systems. The new generation of iGrve is smaller and accurate to 0.001 microga and can be used for 4D measurements for a variety of purposes.Scintrex High Precision Aerospace and Marine Gravity GaugesThis is another Scintrex ace in the hole. The aviation/marine type gravimeter with gyro-stabilized platform automatically compensates for various attitude changes of the aircraft or vessel in real time at a rate of 200 times per second, so that the gravity sensor is always in a horizontal measurement state. The dynamic real-time measurement accuracy of both the aeronautical and marine type gravimeters is 0.2 to 1 milliga. Magnetic measurement instrumentation ENVI-PRO proton magnetometer SCINTREX company's latest production of ENVI-PRO proton magnetometer with GPS positioning function, lightweight and cost-saving, for many years has been successfully used in mineral and oil and gas exploration. The magnetometer is commonly used in the fields of iron ore exploration, geological mapping, archaeology and geotechnical engineering, etc. The core control unit of the ENVI-PRO system is a lightweight unit with a large window character display and a large amount of memory, which is suitable for its versatile configuration. The system includes a variety of functional sensors and their accessories, a backpack, rechargeable batteries, charger, RS-232 serial cable and transportation case. The system offers the advantages of high productivity, fast data playback, easy measurement operations, time saving, and upgradability at any time.G-858 Cesium Pump High Precision MagnetometerThe latest generation of magnetometers from Geometrics has been well received by all sectors of the community for its high sensitivity (0.02 Gamma) and high sampling rate (10 samples per second). The current models are: G-858SX and G-858G portable magnetometer/gradiometer, the host of a very high degree of intelligence, full menu operation, the machine LCD screen can simultaneously display the results of multiple side-line profiles in order to analyze the anomalies in real time. Extremely high sampling rate can be quickly traveled to measure without stopping, direct addition of GPS can be realized irregular side line scanning into a map. It is suitable for rapid geological mapping, mine clearance, pipeline and site clearance surveys. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs CS-3 Aeronautical Magnetometer SCINTREX launched the improved CS-3 high-precision cesium optical pump aeronautical magnetometer after CS-2, which is characterized by the fully automatic south and north hemisphere adjustment switches, the sensitivity of up to 0.0006nt/Hz, and a small blind zone for measurement. The (D)AARC500 of the Aviation Dynamic Real-Time Magnetic Compensation/Data Recording System RMS is based on the original AADCII system, which has been the de facto standard for aeromagnetic compensation in the geophysical exploration industry around the world for many years. (The (D)AARC500 is the result of many years of research and development by RMS and collaboration with the National Research Council of Canada's Flight Research Laboratory***. It inherits the AADCII's traditional characteristics of low cost efficiency and excellent output with consistent data. The system is built on excellent, very reliable hardware, proven in a wide range of installations with proven, robust compensation algorithms. Consistent with the compensation is the fact that the data acquisition is also unrivaled in performance, accuracy, and reliability. Geophysical Instrumentation Compendium and Monographs RMS's (D)AARC500 can be used for aeromagnetic (inclusion) compensation in helicopters as well as fixed-wing aircraft. The newly introduced AARC510 is used for UAV surveys. Ground Penetrating Radar InstrumentationMultiple Ground Penetrating RadarSIR-20 Multi-Channel High-Speed Ground Penetrating Radar:The world-famous GSSISIR series of ground penetrating radar has a history of more than 40 years, and there are more than 2,000 sets of SIR series of ground penetrating radar used all over the world, and it is recognized as the most excellent product by the International Physical Exploration and Engineering Sessions.GSSI participates in the Strategic Highway Research Program organized by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). The SIR system has become the only radar system recommended by the U.S. Federal Department of Transportation that can meet the speed and accuracy requirements for highway pavement thickness, asphalt moisture content and roadbed disease detection.The SIR-20 is a new product based on the SIR-10B/10H, which inherits the advantages of the SIR-10B/10H, and uses a ruggedized laptop computer with a full-metal shell and Windows-XP operating system. SIR-3000 Portable Ground Penetrating Radar: A lightweight, compact and extremely powerful single-channel ground penetrating radar with a built-in battery and a total weight of 4.1kg, like other SIR series radars, the SIR-3000 can provide continuous fast and real-time color imaging. Real-time color imaging, it has a maximum scan rate of 220 lines / sec. Applicable to radar antenna range of 16MHz ~ 2200MHz, this type of instrument is extremely wide range of applications, is a kind of economic portable radar. StructureScanMini handheld reinforcing bar scanner: GSSI manufacturers following the previous generation of products HandySan after the 2009 new launch of a specialized for the location of reinforcing bars, concrete defects, as well as bridges, pavement inspection, a mini handheld radar. A mini handheld radar. The system built-in 1600MHz antenna, collection and processing in one, compact and lightweight; three side laser positioning, easy to calibrate; simple design of the function keys, easy to left- and right-handed operation, full-color data display is more intuitive, the design is more humanized.Terravision: 14-channel antenna array radar, dedicated to road pipeline three-dimensional scanning. Scanning coverage width of 1.8m, can quickly obtain the underground three-dimensional perspective. The detection depth is 3 to 4m, equivalent to 14 400MHz antennas, peering at underground targets from different viewpoints and digitally imaging them. You can customize all kinds of geological models on your PC with simple model settings; design the first wave pulse of the antenna; display electromagnetic wave attenuation, geometric propagation characteristics of the transceiver antenna directional response; vertical and horizontal polarization of electromagnetic waves; electromagnetic wave reflection, projection characteristics; electromagnetic wave ray path display; offset processing. Especially suitable for scientific research and users who are not mature in analyzing geological radar data. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs Comprehensive Logging Instrumentation MOUNT OPRIS Series Small Bore Multi-Parameter Lightweight Digital Logging Instrument The famous MOUNT logging instrument series, fully digital downhole comprehensive parameter probes, including: resistivity, natural gamma, gamma energy spectrum, gamma density, neutron porosity, natural potential, acoustic full wave train, magnetization, excitation polarization, and acoustic two-dimensional/three-dimensional imaging, Various probes for well diameter, well slope, water quality, flow rate, etc. There are 1000m, 1500m, 1850m winches applicable to coal field and metal mine logging, and 100m, 200m, 305m, 500m light winches applicable to engineering physical exploration, hydrogeology and environmental logging. Various Probes Radioactive Exploration Instrumentation RS-230 Handheld Portable Energy Spectrometer RS-230 is an energy spectrometer that uses BGO (Bismuth Germanate) as the scintillation crystal, and the sensitivity is 50% higher than that of the same volume of sodium iodide crystal. The RS-125, as described below, has direct readable measurements, assay scanning capabilities, data storage, and all-weather weather protection. Audio prompts eliminate the need for constant monitoring. Bluetooth connectivity technology (BT) enables wireless connectivity with GPS, headphones or computers, and USB headphones can be used for measurements in noisy areas. Light weight, only 2.04kg, stable performance in the field. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs RS-125 Handheld Portable Spectrometer RS-125 adopts high sensitivity, 2.0×2.0 type sodium iodide 103cm3 (6.3in3) crystal. It has direct readable measurement, assay scanning function, data storage, and all-weather weather protection. Bluetooth connectivity (BT) enables wireless connection to GPS, headphones or computers, and USB headphones can be used for measurements in noisy areas. Light weight, only 2kg, stable performance in the field. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs Aerospace Gamma Spectrometer RS-500 The RS-500 utilizes advanced DSP/FPGA* technology that is far ahead of other existing systems, creating a unique RS-500 class. the DSP/FPGA* technology and software technology provides laboratory level spectral data previously unavailable on aerospace platforms, with less drift, producing a pure energy spectrum. Pure energy spectra. Natural isotope complete multi-peak automatic gain stabilization is common worldwide. each crystal in the RS-500 test chamber is designed with its own advanced digital spectrometer (ADS) to make the detection of natural and man-made radioactive elements as automatic and clear as possible, minimizing human interference. Precision "first time" technology is used to give you accurate data at the first time. No dead time, more efficient. 1024 channels of high resolution, any number of combinations of crystals recorded at speeds up to 10X/sec. Independent crystal ADS and processing with high throughput (>20X). No distortion, more realistic data. No signal quality degradation when iterating an unlimited number of crystals, more efficient. No test source required for system setup and performance confirmation. Count rate of 250,000 cps per crystal. high level of self-diagnostics. Geophysical Instrumentation Compendium and Monographs Ground and Vehicle Mounted Gamma Energy Spectrometer RS-700The RS-700 is a full-featured gamma ray and neutron (optional) radiation detection and monitoring system. It can be used on land vehicles, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or a stationary location. The same, state-of-the-art technology as the RS-500 Aerial Energy Spectrometer is used to obtain the same, unrivaled characteristics as the RS-500. Geophysical Instruments Compendium and Monographs

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